Nash, you can download this game for free, you can play it off line for free, you can play it H2H for free, you can even have a 8 person host for free, but you gotta pay to go to the big show... just like in music, you can download it for free, you can listen to it on the radio for free, you can barrow it from a friend for free, you can even hear it at a club or party for free, but you gotta pay to go to the big show. you even have to pay for a quaility CD..... music sales have gone up since Napster came along, people are buying stuff that they would have never bought if it wasn't for Napster. I have! I'm not saying that no one is abusing Napster, cuz alot of people are. I'm just saying that Napster is bringing back music to where it use to be, where everything was about the live shows! If they think the only way they can make money is with concerts, just think how bad bellybutton those shows will be. I support all my local bands, and all my friends' bands, and if Napster can help them along the way, like it already has, I'm all for it.
Nathan "NATEDOG" Mathieu
Art Director
HiTech Creations
".... And on the eighth day, God created beer. "