Author Topic: Collision Model  (Read 1342 times)

Offline Brenjen

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Collision Model
« Reply #45 on: May 15, 2006, 09:02:01 AM »
Have you set things up with brenjen yet? I would love to see BOTH films posted. I think you'll find the results revealing, Docc.

 We have been in contact & it was my understanding the films would be made available to everyone. Docc is supposed to find out from Skuzzy if the DA model is the same as the MA model before we proceed. I would prefer it that way, then the film would have more meaning & the "discussion" shouldn't evolve into...."yeah but that was in the DA, in the MA I get hit & die everytime so the films don't mean anything" or vice-versa.

 I realize that could still happen, but at least with film it might put some peoples questions to rest. I know I have filmed things & reviewed them later & it seemed to show a different series of events than what I remember.  :lol  ( I forsee a whole new topic forming about the accuracy of the films)  In the end we as a community might just have to accept the fact that nothing is perfect, not the collision model & not the film of it.

 I believe it is as good as it can be with the current hardware & internet available. A lot of the problems people have seems to be just individual understanding (or misunderstanding) & how they percieve what their eyes are telling them.

Offline Hammy

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Collision Model
« Reply #46 on: May 15, 2006, 12:01:39 PM »
I was in a Tiger tank and got "collide" message twice.

the "collider" was in an il2 and received no damage.

Now tell me the collision modelling aint wrong!

Offline Brenjen

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Collision Model
« Reply #47 on: May 15, 2006, 12:35:00 PM »
Originally posted by Hammy
I was in a Tiger tank and got "collide" message twice.

the "collider" was in an il2 and received no damage.

Now tell me the collision modelling aint wrong!

 You didn't take any damage from the collision; if you did get damaged at the same time you recieved the collision message it was ordnance that got you. Your PC simply informed you that your tank & his plane occupied the same place at the same time for an instant. How do you know he didn't suffer any damage, did you ask him? Did you ask him if he also recieved a collision message? My guess is, his PC didn't register a collision.

 B.T.W. - Skuzzy replied to Doccs question " Is the collision model in the DA the same as in the MA?"
 & said "Yes. Just FYI. It (the collision model) cannot be altered. It is the same everywhere." So Docc & I are going to attempt to test the model. Any requests you the general player base would like us to try? I'm just there as a target, as I said before I believe the collision model is as accurate as it can be under the circumstances so I have no "testing preferences"

Offline E25280

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Collision Model
« Reply #48 on: May 15, 2006, 12:42:23 PM »
Nothing here that shouldn't be obvious:

1: go nose to nose and make sure you both die to get a baseline.
2: go nose to nose and one of you try to pull up at the last second to attempt to get one to collide on his front end and the other not to.
3.  Repeat #2 with the other person doing the pulling up / out.

Repeat #2 and #3 until about 10 "successful" collisions occur each, so no one can claim that one collision means nothing.  (Note we will all be duly impressed with your patience and dedication if you actually do it 10 times each).

Premise being to see if in any of the situations you find someone gets damaged without getting the message "you have collided".

Of course, both be filming so that both films of the same collision can be posted with appropriate system messaging.

actually just thought of a situation where it could appear you took damage without colliding.  If you pull up TOO QUICKLY and RIP YOUR OWN WINGS OFF, you could appear to take damage from a collision where you never actually collided.  So maybe make sure you are flying level and your speed is about 180mph to prevent this.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2006, 12:47:00 PM by E25280 »
Brauno in a past life, followed by LTARget
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"Proudly drawing fire so that my brothers may pass unharmed."

Offline Tilt

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Collision Model
« Reply #49 on: May 15, 2006, 01:02:59 PM »
Collisions and CV's..............

Or to be more exact Collisions and fleets..............

We have all seen air craft "land" on Cv's  and apparantly hover off to one side............

In fact I believe that when a fleet is manouvering we all see something quite different................

The locational data is not exact and  I believe the fleet turn "program" is also sitting on our FE's

If the WP's call for a turn ........."here" and everyones FE executes the same program then (in theory) we should all see the same.............

Except when the wp's are being constantly updated during  fleet evasives.........then the turn programs are being started out of synch due to various lags and the effect during constant changes is accumulative.

In the scenario Operation Iceberg we were going to feature Kamikazi strikes  so we wanted a way to count the hits................

Quite simple we hover over the fleet  in F3 and film the strikes...........what happened was these 163's smaked into the water all over the place some several hundred yards from this turning fleet.......all claiming to a man that they had rammed the deck ............................
Ludere Vincere

Offline Clifra Jones

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Collision Model
« Reply #50 on: May 15, 2006, 01:03:17 PM »
OK here we go, One More Time.

If you refuse to see the logic in this then you are hopeless and will not believe any explanation regarding this subject. This is about a simple minded as I can get it.

The Message: {gameid} has collided with you
This message appears in your text buffer in WHITE text. This is because it is send to you FROM the other users FE the same way a PM is sent. It uses the same code that PMs use. This is the OTHER GUYS computer detecting a collision and informing you that is has done so. He takes damages you do not.

The Message: You have collided
This message appears in your text buffer in AMBER text. This is the same color text that setting a had position and turning on and off Combat Trim uses. This is YOUR computer informing you that it has detected a collision and will assign damage to your plane accordingly. You take damage the other guy does not. (unless you shot him).

Sorry, but Rocket Science this ain't!