Author Topic: Ok hblair. Time for an education.  (Read 1464 times)

Offline rogwar

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Ok hblair. Time for an education.
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2001, 04:28:00 PM »
Originally posted by AN:
The accent is just a little differnt over hern where I live, for instance...

Ah bleeve in the rat to tote a gun.

would be pronounced more like...

Son, ah bleeve in the riot to tote uh gun.

Other than that, it's riot on.


Did ya know ice oorignally frum Spraangdale (Chickendale)?

I grew up in the part of Arkansas where we thought the movie Deliverance was a documentary.

Rogue out

Offline milnko

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Ok hblair. Time for an education.
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2001, 09:11:00 PM »
I spent some "time" done south of Manson/Nixon Line when I was in the Navy.

Her's sum fer yas.

Benign...What you be, after you be eight
Artery...The study of paintings
Bacteria...Back door to cafeteria
Barium...What doctors do when patients  die
Cesarean Section...A neighborhood in Rome
Catscan...Searching for Kitty
Cauterize...Made eye contact with her
Colic...A sheep dog
Coma...A punctuation mark
D&C...Where Washington is
Dilate...To live long
Enema...Not a friend
Fester...Quicker than someone else
Fibula...A small lie
Genital...Non-Jewish person
G.I.Series...World Series of military              baseball
Hangnail...What you hang your coat on
Impotent...Distinguished, well known
Labor Pain...Getting hurt at work
Medical Staff...A Doctor's cane
Nitrates...Cheaper than day rates
Morbid...A higher offer
Node...I knew it
Outpatient...A person who has fainted
Pap Smear...A fatherhood test
Pelvis...Second cousin to Elvis
Post Operative...A letter carrier
Recovery Room...Place to do upholstery
Rectum....Damn near killed him
Secretion...Hiding something
Seizure...Roman emperor
Tablet...A small table
Terminal Illness...Getting sick at the                    airport
Tumor...One plus one more
Urine...Opposite of you're out
Varicose...Near by/close by

Offline flakbait

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Ok hblair. Time for an education.
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2001, 09:46:00 PM »
Dadgumit! I thawt Ronni dun keeilt dat UBB bug!

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta Six's Flight School
Put the P-61B in Aces High
"During the Battle of Britain the question 'fighter or fighter-bomber?'
had been decided once and for all: The fighter can only be used as a bomb carrier
with lasting effect when sufficient air superiority has been won." Adolph Galland


Offline LaVa

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Ok hblair. Time for an education.
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2001, 10:51:00 PM »
Seems like a fun way to spend a saturday afternoon - throwing fish that is.  I dont think busch beer will fly though.

All the naysayers prolly have twigs for arms.  <spits> Someone bash'in nascar?? damn whats wrong with you people!!?  Given, its not as fun as the Reno Air Races, but its not a bad time.   :D


Offline LaVa

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Ok hblair. Time for an education.
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2001, 10:54:00 PM »
o yeah nice pics funked 2 outta 3 for me -minus the copenhagen.