get the spit 16 in a slow rolling scirssors, once it get slow it has a bad tendency to stall, the 38 will actually out turn it for 3/4 of a turn or so, get it slow and keep cutting your throttle and rolling over him not giving him an angle, he'll keep trying to stay nose up to get guns and will eventually stall out... the statement that the spit 16 out performs the 38 is a rediculous claim, the 38 is a very good opponent for the 16. you get those 16's slow and they suck bad... another tactic is to just shoot em from D1000 out while there making a reverse turn... spits and other slower planes like that are easy targets for a 38... the 38 will also out loop/stall fight it all day long if flown correctly, chopping throttle at top of the loop just before stall helps as it will cause the nose to plunge down quickly... rolling scissors and verticle wise i think the 38 is above most planes, even the dweeb infested spit 16