Frankly my dear I don’t give a DAR. Full, short, long, no – don’t care. What I do care about is finding some action. Short dar plus long down time quickly leads to no dar, which results in a lot less action and lot more logging. Bottom line is we just don’t have enough players in the AvA to support the cross-porked-horde-fest that goes on in the MA.
Let me cut through the BS. Any mention of the word ‘Historical’ as reason for why anybody wants anything in this game is complete bovine k-rap. Truth: The ideal dar settings for most players is for their side to have full dar and the other side to have no dar.
Players want the game to support their personal version of ‘success’. Jester’s been whining in the forum and typing ALLCAPS rants in the game because full dar does not support his version of success. (Flying real high outside of dar range jumping someone and maybe getting a single thuper-duper-wootwoot kill before being turned into virtual aluminum shards)
In RL dar was long range, not as detailed, not available in planes, and not turned off by one plane on a pork run. Who cares. Dar in the game is there to make it fun and playable. My stated preference is this: I don’t care if the dar is short, long or full let's have it unporkable.