Author Topic: How to beat the censors?  (Read 743 times)

Offline miko2d

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How to beat the censors?
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2001, 11:25:00 AM »
Originally posted by hblair:
Are you guys as creative and persistent in doing your job as you are in trying to sneak around behind your employers back?


 If you get the job done, there is no need to hire more people to do it. So unemployment occurs and economy suffers. Economy is moved by spending, not productivity, so as long as we are paid huge salaries, everything is going to be all right.  :)


Offline cvb---

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How to beat the censors?
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2001, 01:42:00 PM »
Exactly. As long as we have our ridiculous salaries and near-free foreign labor - we're all set  :))

I'm using safeweb to access one of the work-related sites that for some reason is dead slow from our company's internet connection.

Offline StSanta

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How to beat the censors?
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2001, 07:29:00 PM »
Well, the system administrator can pull up a *wealth* of data on user usage of the system/network. He can also very easily block access to sites such as and so forth.

What a friend of mine here does is he uses a little program he's written - it is executed Sunday night and basically looks for web usage during working hours for all users. he can adjust variables such as number of sites visited, bytes downloaded, total time spent etc. If it reaches above a specified level, it's reported in a log file and he manually checks out the user to see whether it's legitimate use or waste of company money.

According to him, more than a few have been caught in his net - most think it's impossible for an admin to keep an eye out on every user when there's so much traffic. It ain't  :). And admins have a tendency to have a personality in line with the Bastard Operator From Hell  :D. In the company he works for, people get two warnings by mail. A third violation results in a face to face talk, and a fourth is grounds for firing.

If yer a nerd, you can beat the admin - there are several ways of spoofing 'im, or simply turning the data he receives into something that cannot be used as grounds for firing someone. If ya *ain't* a nerd, I would advice you *not* to try to outsmart the admin - these guys love such challenges (its their equivalent of hacking) and will probably spend their free time figuring things out, just for the fun of it.

Of course, many companies have an IT department that doesn't know what the hell they're doing. The Code Red and other viruses have proven that. The risk however is that you'll run across the dude that has run UNIX on his machines since his early teens and doesn't go to work - he goes to "play".

Hm, actually sounds fun to have that role. Am sorta undecided between admin and software development, but unfortunately I only started with UNIX two years ago, so I prolly lack the real expertise needed  :).

Ooops, getting long. What I wanted to say was: check the IT use contract - some (most?) companies or organisations have one ya have to sign on to. Then check the expertise of the IT department. THEN risk it, if everything is in your favour  :).

Offline Fastbikkel

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How to beat the censors?
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2001, 04:05:00 AM »
I consider everyone who is trying to limit my internet use, a criminal.
Realy, i don't see the problem. Just give all people all access, they will quit sooner or later out of boredom.

In the beginning i was also looking for porn and such, but now, maaaaan i don't even know what to look for nowadays.

Same story as people who work in Restaurant kitchens. In the beginning they want to eat it all, after a week or so, they can't even think about eating it.

And about censoring of language and so. That IS a criminal thing. Everyone knows the fowl language, so why hide it.

It is not like i want everybody to curse around all day, but it is not that terrible as people claim.
The children, which those F****G companies are trying to protect, know even more filthy words, no one can stop that.

So i just hope we here in the netherlands are not going in the same direction as the U.S. when it comes to those damned beeps in music or talkshows. When it comes to that, i will never listen to those radio or television stations ever again.
I will try to obstruct it in any way.

Thanks for this post, i may have been a bit distracted though.  :)

