Author Topic: Leadership to be proud of....  (Read 1483 times)

Offline E25280

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Leadership to be proud of....
« Reply #75 on: May 15, 2006, 11:14:46 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
More Rove attack politics.

Did you know the Republicans even sent fliers out to predominately Black areas of the South stating that the Democrats wanted to "ban the Bible & Have Gays teach your children"?
I guess Rove must run the Democrat party too.  During the campaign in the STL market (and I am sure many others), we were treated to such "inclusive" and "non-divisive" and "moderate" political messaging such as this:

(Cue deep, African-American sounding voice):

"When you vote Republican, another black church burns . . . "

That's about all I could stomach to remember.
Brauno in a past life, followed by LTARget
SWtarget in current incarnation
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"Proudly drawing fire so that my brothers may pass unharmed."

Offline Mini D

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Leadership to be proud of....
« Reply #76 on: May 16, 2006, 07:26:44 AM »
Originally posted by Nash
Heh, that's the obvious reply...

"Oh my! He's acting just like.... like.... Republicans! The nerve... the hypocrisy!"
No. He's acting exactly how he's accusing the reps of acting. It's a common thing for anyone that wants to take the tone of a complete ******* to justify his actions by pointing out how "the other side" would do it too.

Nobody is saying it's OK for one to do it and not the other... except you, of course.

Offline Mini D

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« Reply #77 on: May 16, 2006, 07:45:30 AM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
Smear - Kerry
Queer - They're coming to get your children
Fear - Vote for Bush or they'll attack again.


You do realize you are exactly what you accuse others of being... right?

How is it that you could even possibly believe that the republicans had some kind of market on the smear campaign? Did they get CBS to run a story the week before the election based on completley falsified documents?

I mean seriously... I know about Bush's DUI, his cocain habit, his early departure from the National Guard, his wife's drug dealing, his daughter's drinking habits... Were these part of the republican campaign policy too?

You seem convinced that the republicans have somehow duped the voters when it can't be farther from the truth. People weren't drawn away from the democratic party last election, they ran from it.

My wife works at a relatively low paying job that is predominantly staffed by minorities. 99% of them are democrat. Not a single one of them would vote for Kerry and outright said so. They didn't vote for Bush either, but it was the first year in decades that some of them refused to vote.

The republicans did not shove gay marriage down our throats prior to the elections. This is one I watched develop in a manner you wouldn't quite understand politically in that Portland was one of the "hotspots" on this topic. In Portland, 2 gay members of our city council and one member supporting gay marriage got together and decided to allow gay marriage in Portland, not bothering to invite the other 4 members of the city council to that meeting. They then decided to keep the courts open 24 hours a day to accomodate the "influx" of gays seeking marriage. This was not a republican plot. The state legislature, which is majority dem, then passed a bill defining marriage (banning gay "marriage") and put it up before a vote in the state. It passed by an overwhelming margin in a state that has voted Dem since I can remember... It was at least a 20 point margin... another thing that's unheard of in this state.

I wonder how that could be? I wonder how the republicans could infiltrate our state in a manner of months and change everyone's mind on this subject. They are so very sneaky.

But, the repblicans were villified for their stance on gay marriage and the stance of the "religious wackos" that are "intollerant". Those aren't labels that were made up by republicans, bub. I don't remeber seeing them thrown around nearly as much as last election. This "smear" campaign you speak of was a two way streak. Of course, the republicans were smart enough to only smear the opponent. The Dems weren't quite as clever and decided to smear the opponent AND the voters.

Offline lazs2

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Leadership to be proud of....
« Reply #78 on: May 16, 2006, 08:25:49 AM »
LOL  nash... did reading weirdos make you an angry nutter or did you seek out the weirdos because you are an angry nutter?

MT.. I don't get it... the democrats have control of the media and of entertainment and of our kids minds in the teaching game...

why is it that they feel missrepresented and unable to get out their message?   surely you can see how silly it all is?

Their message sucks.... it is a whiney socialist pandering message and the problem is that too many of their supporters have a voice that is heard... the more you hear from the left wing nash bloggers and the left wing media and the airheaded movie stars and screetching "people of color" and depressed women and excuse making teachers and poor underpaid autoworkers....

the more you hate democrats if you have any brains.   They are their own worst enemy... sure... the candidates can (sometimes) pull it together for an election and go the soundbite safe route and try to act sane and not communist for most of the election route but... they never leave well enough alone... they allways get tagged with the liberal collar because...

well.... that is what they are.   you never win if you vote for em... you lose more every time one is in power... you end up with new socialist programs that go on for eternity (or we are broke whichever comes first)... you end up with a whole crapload of activist judges that think lenin was right.

nope... I don't care what they say... I refuse to allow democrats to make me feel guilty.... If you can do that then no democrat will ever have power over you ever again.

democrats are like that fake 39 year old "vietnam war veteran" beggar that you can't make go away..... you know his message is BS but somehow he makes you feel guilty enough or impatient enough to give him a buck.

If you don't buy their message of guilt the democrats have nothing.
