I know you can access .net code via C++/CLI managed C++. Considering that DirectX10 will be provided using the same common lanaguage interface for C# visual# that there is a high probability you will be able too. I cannot conferm it though, but can say C++/CLI gives you access to .net because i use it at work, and currently doing research on future trends.
Just an extra note.
Vista will most likly provided in 4 different version.
Retail ( lite )
Retail ( heavy )
Retail ( server lite ) or Retail ( heavy )
Though i do think introduction of all the technology into vista in one huge bang into the market is going to cause alot of issues. Firstly, digital rights mangement, memory consumption, requirement of having a dual core that the OS lock's itself to one proccessor. New standards and implimentation requirements. Backwards compatability for developers for old programs.
At this moment in time, just as looking into the industry. Any software house that relys on microsoft technology mostly software side is going to get a real shake up. Software houses that have rolled there own in the past are going to be lessly effected by the changed because of owning all aspects of there software.
I have some conflicting issues with using microsoft technology. Is it becomes deprecated too soon and very not very well documented implimentation and solutions. Coming from the java background here
. Mostly keep coming down to the conlusion, the best way to actualy keep conformaty and flexability in your software package is to roll your own. Replying on microsoft runtime envrioment i keep concluding its going to break more times than its worth. Java i never had this issues, because i mostly compiled the java enviroment with the executable, and all clients where very happy and never run into any major version control issue. Wish it was the same with microsoft.
When i first read skuzzy thoughts and reviews of the .net platform, i was say the least suprised. So i started digging into the matter. Mainly because 1. Skuzzy knows what hes doing, and I can rely on his comments more than marketing from microsoft.
So i went off, did some major research and pretty much agree with skuzzy on every single aspect he has posted about the .net platform.
Another posted it very nicly i will qoute it here.
One platform all languages
One Language all platforms
its a situation developers are facing now.