Still having trouble with the Manned guns?
You have two good methods available for setting ack. You can build a base or factory using the OE and place them directly into the field shape or you can add manned ack using the TE.
The key is to know which guns you can use and what Object type they need to be.
For a shore battery, set the Object Shape = battery and set the Object Type = Hard Gun Bat.
For a manned ack, set the Object Shape = bas0 and set the Object Type = Gun Bat Soft.
Nothing else works correctly in v2.07 patch 2 per the chart above.
Remember, if you do NOT use the OE to set your manned ack or shore battery, you must set the Object Type in the properties dialog box in the TE when you set the field and zone ownership.
Also, for AI Ack, you must use the OE, not the TE. Set the Object Shape to gng0, gng1 or gng2 and set the Object Type to Auto Gun. You can build a freestanding AI Ack in the OE and make it available in the TE but a single gun causes graphics anomalies such as a light blue terrain tile underneath it so don’t do it.
If using the TE to place your manned ack or shore battery, be sure to save, exit and relaunch the TE before building your terrain. Occasionally you might have to clear your cache folder, particularly if you mix OE built ack with TE build ack. I think they sometimes don’t show up correctly in the hanger unless you save and exit before you build the terrain.
Also, the first time you use ack at a base where you mixed OE built and TE built guns, expect one of the Labels not to show up. You’ll see the yellow circle just not the label. Just switch fields and when you go back to the problem field the labels will all function in the hanger. As often as not this completely clears things up.
Another curious thing about manned ack. If you shoot the ack circle base, you’ll destroy the gun and end up in the tower.