Author Topic: Long ago in warbirds....  (Read 3496 times)

Offline Skull-1

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Long ago in warbirds....
« Reply #30 on: May 28, 2006, 01:27:25 PM »
Originally posted by mussie
How about a limited number of each type...

If you loose it, it's gone.

Once a players stock of a model has have run out they need to pay perks for em....

Or UBER rides are only available at "rear area" fields.

Offline Ack-Ack

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« Reply #31 on: May 28, 2006, 02:00:58 PM »
I'm no fan of a RPS planeset because I believe it limits the choices of what a player can fly.  But if a RPS planeset is going to work, there needs to be more additions to the early and middle war plane sets.

But the best solution is to stop giving a crap what someone flies but I guess a bunch of you just can't grasp that and need to whine about so and so flying a La7 or a Spitfire.

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline Vortex

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« Reply #32 on: May 28, 2006, 02:13:46 PM »
Originally posted by MINNOW
But... for the sake of arguement...

Why should people be penalized from their favorite rides when others have theirs......


I don't think it should be viewed as penalizing someone. Rather its a gameplay issue much like any other gameplay issue that makes up the mechanics of this game (HO's, gun model, flight model, etc etc). As with any gameplay modification the subjective aspect is a wildcard that varies from player to player. Objectively though its a matter of whether or not it makes for better overall gameplay. Which I think lasz is correct, it would.

My two bits anywhoo
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Offline DoKGonZo

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« Reply #33 on: May 28, 2006, 03:06:57 PM »
Ack, it's not that I care if they all fly La7's and Spit16's. There've always been one or two Uber rides that half the players will fly. I enjoy those planes too on some nights.

It's what that is doing to the way the game plays in the MA that's the problem. Hell, if they actually FLEW the damn planes instead of using 'em for some weird amalgam of a demolition derby, cliff-diving, and medievel jousting I wouldn't be bothered either.

Adding EW planes in FT/FI will only fix things for the people who choose to go there. The rest of the MA will be the same mess it is now. And I'll wager that if FI goes to EW it becomes a wasteland as it gets over-run from nearby islands with late war planes.

Offline DoKGonZo

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« Reply #34 on: May 28, 2006, 03:09:41 PM »
Originally posted by Skull-1
Or UBER rides are only available at "rear area" fields.

Yeah ... that was discussed when ENY came out too. Could be done for heavy bombers as well to stop the NOE Lancs which are back in a big way on some fronts.

Which gets back to changing base-handling in general - damage, plane availability, etc.

Offline TexMurphy

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« Reply #35 on: May 28, 2006, 03:45:38 PM »
Id love to see a RPS... preferably a AvA one but if not at least a RPS of the sort that Laz describes...

But I doubt its gonna happen because of the "WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I want my Pony" crowed... and the waaaaaaahmbulance is strong with AH...

Only thing I can say is AvA Arena... its always got good matchups...

If the MA crowed could graduate into the AvA we would have tons of great fighting...


Offline bozon

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« Reply #36 on: May 28, 2006, 04:00:22 PM »
The problem with RPS is that it limits your plane selection. In the AvA RPS when it was ran, I was eagerly waiting till P-47D11 finally arrives. In the meantime I "had" to fly 109s, and spit1 - it was fun, but after a while it felt like I'm just doing this to pass the time till the real thing arrives.

Also, as mentioned by someone, historical axis and allied theme does add some loaded atmosphere which many do not like.

lazs does have a point. "Favorite" plane is not always something the player has always dreamt about. I'm sure the La7 did not capture the imagination of 15% of the players as kids or that they've read great books about it. On the other hand - sometimes it really is just that. Some people will feal cheated if they don't get their P38/51/190 (Only Spit and 109 enjoy a full timeline of models).

I do not understand the great fear of "splitting the comunity". WWII is a long long time in aviation evolution. Long enough to support 3 eras. AH has a big comunity. The MA does not need 500+ players to be fun, perhaps the opposite is true. Players are not bound to an areana and I guess some middle war planes will be available in both (maybe as perks in the early war).

Two areanas do not force anyone to fly something. I'd split the time line at end of  43 so a few american rides make it to the early war areana and some Japs. Those who must have their P51D, Tepmests, Doras and 109K may fly the late war.

Even that is a long period for the early war (a 3rd era could be BoB but that is pushing it). At least Jabos will not carry greater bomb load that the bombers and an SBD on way to target will not be clobbered by 100 mph faster La7s. Even Stukas may find a place as a heavy loaded Jabo since all fighters did not carry more than 1 bomb (if any) at that time.

The AvA team can put up an experimental setting - MA standards but free early planeset and increasingly perked late 43 to very high perked (or unavailable) 1945.

Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

Click!>> "So, you want to fly the wooden wonder" - <<click!
the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.

Offline Ack-Ack

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« Reply #37 on: May 28, 2006, 04:18:09 PM »
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
Ack, it's not that I care if they all fly La7's and Spit16's. There've always been one or two Uber rides that half the players will fly. I enjoy those planes too on some nights.

It's what that is doing to the way the game plays in the MA that's the problem. Hell, if they actually FLEW the damn planes instead of using 'em for some weird amalgam of a demolition derby, cliff-diving, and medievel jousting I wouldn't be bothered either.


But a RPS plane set isn't going to change their fighting styles or make some more willing to fight.  The timid pilot in the P-51D is still going to be a timid pilot in a Spitfire I.

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline doc1kelley

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« Reply #38 on: May 28, 2006, 05:23:52 PM »
Originally posted by MINNOW
But... for the sake of arguement...

Why should people be penalized from their favorite rides when others have theirs......

Sure I agree and I admit.... The LA7 & Spit 16 are uber rides.... But that doesnt mean they arent easily spanked....

But some people who are really good pilots are super uber in them.

Saying that... There are some pilots that are super uber in 38Js, 51Ds or 190Ds

What would happen when their uber rides arent available....

Just food for thought..

I guess they would just have to learn a new plane to super uber huh? roflol
I'm just messing with ya bro.

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Offline DoKGonZo

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« Reply #39 on: May 28, 2006, 06:09:21 PM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
But a RPS plane set isn't going to change their fighting styles or make some more willing to fight.  The timid pilot in the P-51D is still going to be a timid pilot in a Spitfire I.

I think we're talking about 2 different things.

"Timid" fliers won't engage without a high chance of firing on a target that can't fire back (cherry picking, extend to inifinity, whatetever ...).

"Quake" fliers won't bother doing the work to convert angles when they can get a 1:1 K/D by HO/ram with basically no effort as long as they don't mind dying every other time.

What makes the latter more of a problem is it turns the MA into a war of attrition. And thems ain't much fun.

Offline BigR

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« Reply #40 on: May 28, 2006, 06:26:21 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
Not to pick on anyone but bigr... you don't like it.  let's look at what you fly..  bout 99% very fast late war planes...  lala7... spit 16 and...mostly... tempest..

With the rps.. you could still fly the faster planes... they just wouldn't be 50-70 mph faster than the slowest planes you faced.   How bad is that?  how many P40's or zekes or f4f do you see now?  5%?

you could pick a fast good climbing plane like the  109e say for the first period or an F4u for the second... your tempest or spit 16 for the third.

nope... my point is that the gameplay has gotten stale because only a few planes are useful in the arena and maps we use.... introducing new planes is a waste in the current ma unless they are some bizzare uber ride.   Lots of interesting early and mid war planes will never be used in the MA which is..... let's face it about 95% of this whole sim.

No matter what era... you will be able to have a faster plane than a few of the slowest... you can still trade speed for agility no matter what part of the RPS.... just not in the 50-70 mph range or the turn like a semi vs turn like  a sports car.

I just don't see how more evenly matched planes and more variety would hurt gameplay.

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Um actually if you LOOKED you would see i mostly fly P38. Ive had a total of like 10 flights in Spit 16 and LA7 combined this Camp.  I fly the Tempest when I dont like my odds. I adapt to situations in the MA as they change. Also, I dont see the point in atacking me for what I fly when I was just trying to point out that your idea was a bad one economically speaking for HTC considering the type of people they are advertising to at the moment. Its a moot point anyway. HTC will never convert the MA to a rolling planeset...the best you will get from them is a seperate arena that maybe 15 people will play in at the most.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2006, 06:40:29 PM by BigR »

Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #41 on: May 28, 2006, 06:29:35 PM »
So slap a perk on all the late war monsters.
 a price not to high, but not too low.
 Surely not all MA's problems will disperse,
 but at least the effects will begin to show.
 All them dweebs love the HO,
 a cannon armed plane soaked up with booze.
 But can they always be a mean mofo,
 when it risks some perks they might lose?

 If the perks can at least knock 20% off
 from the total usage of all the late-war stock
 then that's no small deal to scoff
 or openly refuse, deny, or mock.

 So come join and see through the eyes of Perkah
 whom Kweassa is his prophet and spokesman.
 When it comes to perk problems he is da mastah,
 there ain't no guy who has a better perk plan.


Offline Ack-Ack

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« Reply #42 on: May 28, 2006, 07:13:59 PM »
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
I think we're talking about 2 different things.

"Timid" fliers won't engage without a high chance of firing on a target that can't fire back (cherry picking, extend to inifinity, whatetever ...).

"Quake" fliers won't bother doing the work to convert angles when they can get a 1:1 K/D by HO/ram with basically no effort as long as they don't mind dying every other time.

What makes the latter more of a problem is it turns the MA into a war of attrition. And thems ain't much fun.

How will a RPS stop the "Quake" flyers or force them to change their flying style?  Wouldn't they still fly like they did without a RPS?

I agree that ever since HiTech had introduced the Top 15 contest a few years ago, the "Air Quake" and timid pilots have increased tenfold and has made the MA a rather boring place but I just don't see how a RPS will curb either behavior.

ACM is rapidly becoming, if not already, a lost art.  In my opinion, a more formal training program like the old AW Acadamy would be far more beneficial.

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline Skull-1

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« Reply #43 on: May 28, 2006, 07:37:47 PM »
MAKE A NEW ARENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have one MA with all planes all the time and another with a COMPETITIVE RPS.

There are enough players to go around.

Offline MINNOW

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« Reply #44 on: May 28, 2006, 07:40:21 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
yep.... "favorite rides" is really simplistic code for...

"I want to have a really really big advantage so the best plane is now my favorite even tho I have never even heard of a spit 16 or lala7 or tempest before I logged on here."

I doubt that there are too many guys here who have posters of spit 16's and relatives who flew nothing but em...

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

Yanno.... Im for it....

It would be fun to have an equal footing planewise with others, that would just leave Pilot skill.

Would be fun