restarted AH a year later but I still catch myself turning my head to check six...I kid you if you're on my six and I don't do anything it's probably because I'm looking at the wall behind me.
Mace, if you haven't tried TrackIR you might give it a whirl. The muscle memory will have to be toned down a bit, but you still look in the directions you normally would. It takes a little getting used to, but I was landing hits after a week. And if your muscle memory just won't forget, then don't use an aggessive setting, but the mildest possible. I don't see how I ever enjoyed the game before I bought one in Dec.
Track IRFar as the main differences between AH and real flight, as I told my brother-in-law F-15 jock:
No G's, no oxygen, no funerals, but a lot of fun.
Best Regards