A couple of minor bugs I've noticed with the latest version.
The air-raid siren can be heard (although very faintly) even at bases that are 200 miles from the bases that are being attacked. This happened for me after I visited a base under attack, then moved to a base not being attacked deep inside friendly territory.
Default keymap settings seem not to set "Weapon Select Primary" and "Weapon Select Secondary," which are set to "none" for me after installing the update. They used to be "\" and Backspace, respectively.
When you go into the panel to set keys, if you click on a setting that has "none" listed as its key and when you have nothing selected on the gui version of the keyboard, if you then hit "set key," a message comes up saying something like "That key is already used. Unmap its previous binding? Yes/No".
Feature request: in the key mapping, having a button that can set all keymappings back to default would be nice. If you mess something up and unmap some unknown key, you won't know which it is without a lot of searching.