Author Topic: Why do they always do this?  (Read 986 times)

Offline Morpheus

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Why do they always do this?
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2006, 06:55:09 PM »
Originally posted by ghi
I was expecting  to see a new Jeep/Crysler secret aeroplanes with this version, all we got is a mess in settings and a drop in frame rate !:(

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Offline wrag

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Why do they always do this?
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2006, 07:03:03 PM »
Drop in frame rate...............

Gradually I'm being pushed out of AH.

Eye candy, eye candy, eye candy........................ .........

can't afford upgrades right now.
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Offline megadud

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Why do they always do this?
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2006, 07:05:48 PM »
everything seems fine to me except i'm warpy and i am not any good. WTG AH Peeps!

Offline Kev367th

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Why do they always do this?
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2006, 07:11:46 PM »
Originally posted by Clifra Jones
So true.

I have had no drop in FR and no controller problems with this latest release. IN fact I have had NO problems at all. Yes some of the changes are odd. Like the clipboard not remembering where you put it. HT has said he will fix that.

I think some people just jump the gun to fast. Instead of stepping back and trying to find out what the problem might be they just run here and cry "WHAAA my stuff don't work anymore. It's your fault HTC!"

If HiTech waited until every possible condition was tested and fixed before releasing an update we would all be old and gray before it came out. (not that some of us aren't already there :))"

Would agree apart from one point -

The majority of the bugs were known about and posted in the 'Beta Forum", yet here we are, similar or identical bugs in the full release.
Mission planner is one example.

Out of all the patches released in the 5 years I have been playing this seems to the most buggiest and poorly planned one, kinda disappointed that it wasn't tested for a longer time period.

If you look forums and CH200 the people having problems way outnumber those few of us who managed a relatively painless transition.
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Offline Mayhem

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Why do they always do this?
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2006, 07:34:16 PM »
Originally posted by KTM520guy
The phrase "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"  comes to mind after this new patch.


In all of AH2 I never had a problem other then a slowly declining frame rate. I upgraded my aiw 9800 pro to a x850xt upgraded my p4 2.8 ghz ht to a p4 3.4 ghz ht with water cooling and threw in another 1gb mem (now at 2). frame rate problem fixed.

However with the 2080 patch I may have never got the stick bug (all my stuff is premapped in the stick itself) I did notice a loss of quality with VOX and my clipboard always ends up on the right side. Then with 2081 patch I started crashing to desktop in flight but mostly on load up and when entering the MA. I also got UDP loss and discoed. and to top it off vox seemed to even get worse. The disconects seem to be temporary. I managed to fix the CTD problem by completely reinstalling ah 2081 from a full install.

My bigest gripe however is the only problem that came to mind before was the 38 problem with fully extended flaps. now we have a mess of problems from stick configs to vox.

A fix we needed however new fetures should have been beta tested first to work out all the new bugs before we started pulling our hair out.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2006, 07:38:53 PM by Mayhem »
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Offline Brenjen

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Why do they always do this?
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2006, 07:44:25 PM »
I see a lot of, "I didn't have a problem, your just whiney tards" sort of stuff being said in the game & in the BBS.

 Not everyone had problems or even the same type of problems.

 I generally like the update as far as the new stuff, but I have to ask this question to all the fan-boiyz who follow blindly in a vain attempt to suck up;

 If you say, it's not HTC's fault their product/service is haywire because you didn't experience any problems therefore it must be the individuals P/C or stupidity. You must also agree then that Microsoft Windows has no problems because it works fine on my P/C, I have never had a lockup or snag on the one I'm using right now ever, not once. (it was easy to install to & recognized everything)

 Also why does Battlefield 2 & Civilization I-IV & Blitzkrieg 1-2 & Americas Army & Janes WWII fighters work fine (& so many many more). I never have so much as one little hiccup in any program other than AHII. Why is that? My P/C? If so then we're back to where we started, it's problems with AHII's programming, Yes they do a fine job for a small company - No I couldn't do any better; but the Beta had all these problems; all these problems were pointed out & instead of working on these problems, they lightened up the color of the wood grain on the dialog boxes when someone asked for that to be White pine colored instead of a Red cedar.

 Let it be known, I like AHII.

 I have always been helped promptly by HTC customer service (billing & Technical issues) & that makes me like HTC as a company.

But I will be doomed to an eternity in hell if I kiss one butt or suck up & ignore the obvious & become a blind follower fanboy in an attempt to get someone from HTC to like me, which is what a lot of this "support" seems to be. Blatant jumping up & down like chiuaua dogs for positive attention.

 Stop saying how easy it was for you to figure out & help someone else for christs sake.


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Why do they always do this?
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2006, 09:55:57 PM »
Originally posted by SFCHONDO
I haven't had any major problems with this patch, but to me if there going to tweak on graphic items....TWEAK the DAM SUN........Dam thing gives me a headache

LMAO Agreed.

By far the most accurately modeled aspect of the game.

Matter of fact when Im sitting home at night and flying towards the sun.
I turn al the lights out and just use the games sun for light.

Saves me a ton on my electric bill ;)
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Offline lefty2

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Why do they always do this?
« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2006, 12:50:02 AM »
Well said Brenjen.
I do applaud the effort to innovate and improve, keep trying it takes great failure to have innovative and exceptional success although, I don't think this falls in to that category. I do appreciate the efforts to improve the game.
I believe the majority of HiTechs customers were left bewildered, unprepared (by HTC), disappointed and angry. It seems HiTech acted in an unprepared fashion as if time was of the essence. Why was this update not kept in beta for a longer period? HiTech should communicate better with there customers. When I read that the joystick setup should be imported there was no mention as to how, no information about what did or did not happen and what, if anything to do about it. I was just left bewildered. I do not feel, nor do I believe many customers of HiTech feel appreciated. After reading parts of this message board I'm left wondering why these particular changes? Why was this update done in this fashion? It would be nice to get an answer, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
One last thing a little off topic.
I keep hearing that HiTech is a small company and there doing the best they can. I keep hearing this over and over and over its a lame excuse, that gets worse every time I hear it. If HiTech would explain its self and communicate with its customers then maybe I wouldn't have to hear this lame excuse. There maybe good reasons why they do the things they do, I just don't know. One thing I do know is just because your a small company doesn't give you license to preform poorly or ignore customers. Many will protest that I am a winer. YES! I am and proud of it, if you don't complain your a moron. Are you the type who goes to a restaurant gets poor quality food and eats it, your a moron. I send it back every time, I want the best for every dollar I spend, so call me a winer, but not a pushover or a sucker. I know what many are thinking why don't I go somewhere else. Because I like this game and I want to see it get better. Maybe if we would all speak up "wine" perhaps HiTech would deliver the changes we the customers want. If HiTech is struggling to keep up because it is to small then maybe its time to expand so it can deliver what its customers want.

Offline 68Ripper

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Why do they always do this?
« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2006, 01:46:59 AM »
Originally posted by Furball
HTC are in a no win situation.

If they do not change anything, people whine from lack of updates.

If they do change something, people whine because it isnt the way it used to be.

This weeks Suck up!
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