Use CH HOTAS USB with CH Control Manager. Have mapped as "combined device" as well as "3 seperate devices. Both setups only import buttons & functions PARTIALLY, such as no "n" to fire "both" or "all" guns. No "Rudder" is listed yet it shows up in the "calibration" window where it can be calibrated. The HAT POV was imported to the Jstick rather than the ProThrottle where I have it setup. This is as far as I have got, there may be other settings that were fouled up during the "import".
The game seems to run fine, just my HOTAS setup is partially imcompatiable. I need some serious "hands on" help to cure this problem from someone more knowledgeable than I.
Would really appreciate any and all help from anyone that can "lead" me by the hand to correct this mess. All was well before 2.08 and 2.08 patch 1. I have tried different things but nothing seems to have helped.
Hoping for the Best,
P.S. I can be reached via Email at fouriiii AT adelphia DOT net