I made these tests and here are my results.
All FF forces had been set in the beginning to 50%. During flight I increased them to 80% to increase the forces. This was done only to 80% because the trim set made the stick very stiff durin flight. But now step by step.
1) Pick a plane from the hangar.
2) Spawn on the runway.
2a) Does the stick center when you are on the runway?
The stick centered even with 100% trim very, very soft. Nearly no FF sensable. Stick can be put very easily out of center. 3) Make sure you have trim, stall buffet, and gun shake forces enabled in the games force feedback panel.
4) Take-off
5) Attempt a stall and see if you get stall buffet shakes.
Very very slightly 6) Level the plane in controlled flight.
7) Pull the trigger and fire the guns. Do you have gun shake?
Very very slightly 8) Put the plane in a 1G dive from high altitude.
9) At high speed, pull out of the dive. Do the forces feel increased on the stick?
They increased a lot. 10) Level out and slow down. Roll a bit from left to right. Do the stick forces feel reduced as compared to the high speed dive pull-out?
They feel very reduced. In the beginning I thought there would be no FF at all, but when I started the plane the FF increased a lot and also the stick stayed centered.
FF seems to work, but there is some lack in center force if your speed is low. Also the stall and weapon FF is weak.
Hope this helps.