US will be facing a temporary limit on registration until the IJN begins to catch up.
This event Really needs to be balanced.
IJN People, if you are going to participate, let's get registered so this can open back up and keep moving forward. This event could Ideally be played with an easy 200 Per Side!
In fact, the more players on there, the better it will run. Remember, This battle was The Reason the Manhattan Project moved forward. There were a potential 1 Million Allied Deaths Anticipated and 10 Million Japanese, the A-Bomb was designed to Stop the war and Prevent that much loss of life. Here is a chance to see one of the ways it may have turned out had the project not moved forward.
This event could be a massive fight, the more people who join the more of a battle you will see.
One Night per week in this event, with the Attendance of the Main Arena, pitting two organized teams together in non stop action. I just don't know how the game get's better than that

KIs Nikis, Bombs and Rockets, every plane and you don't have to Count Them. The rules are Minor in this event, grab a plane, grab some orders and go shoot them down. No scoring, no attrition to keep track of, this is so easy any Walkon can show up and Instantly understand the event with no weekend of reading to swallow in 5 minutes.
Sign em up, get your friends. If you don't like the way the events have been, they only improve by attendance