Author Topic: solution  (Read 1626 times)

Offline Brenjen

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« Reply #75 on: July 03, 2006, 11:53:40 AM »
They also had M-48 Patton U.S. made tanks, they were the 105MM gunned versions, when the Jordanians began their attack the IDF ended up with the Jordanian M-48's as well which were equipped with smaller guns (the IDF up-gunned them quickly & began using them) they did have some U.S. hardware; tanks,mortars,artillery,AA guns, maybe even some WWII surplus boats (not positive about that) & most importantly an enormous ammount of intel we were providing. There is even some speculation that's what the U.S.S. Liberty was actually doing there in the first place, providing the Israelis with intel.

 Quote from me:
"we(the U.S.) have helped them a lot & may have even helped them in that area. (that's why they kicked the s**t out of the arabs with the latest soviet jun...I mean hardware)"
 I should have said the IDF was able to fight off the arabs because they had a hodge-podge of modern (& some obsolete) western weapons & they had those weapons because of U.S. sympathies towards Israel, I never meant to imply that I thought the IDF was equiped soley by the U.S.

 It was during the 6 day war that the french put an arms embargo in place against Israel & that's what caused the U.S. to begin to be the main supplier of A/C & other high priced weapons systems. I do not know if Britain & West Germany continued to supply Israel after the french embargo or not.

 Edit: sorry that was so long but you seem stuck on A/C as being the only weapon involved in the six day war, that and small arms. But there was a lot more to that war than just planes or Uzis that helped the IDF score a victory. Hell even the fact that the cream of the Egyptian military was in Yemen fighting in their civil war had a lot to do with the Israeli success.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2006, 11:58:51 AM by Brenjen »