Believe it or not I was given the unique and awe-inspiring experience of seeing into the probable future of each candidate.
With George W. as President the world ended as a charred sphere on Friday, August 13, 2004. It seems that one of his staff, a born again Christian under direct orders from God, took the first family hostage and initiated a nuclear first strike against communist China and several other "heathen" countries. Apparently he was trying to cleanse the earth in preparation for the second coming of Jaysus.
With Al as President things started off badly as middle-east tensions ramped up due to Arab issues with his Vice-President. Terrorist attacks against Israel and U.S. interests increased and oil embargoes were initiated. This situation escalated until tactical nukes were exchanged in the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea. An uneasy peace was brokered but the economy had suffered. Gore then redoubled the government's efforts to make fuel cell technology economically feasible.
With Ralph as President the income tax rate had increased to 80% by the year 2004. But marijuana had been legalized so no one really gave a toejam.