Author Topic: Hey Brit's...  (Read 280 times)

Offline Udie

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Hey Brit's...
« on: October 30, 2001, 09:32:00 AM »,3605,583288,00.html

 I'm just wondering if any of our British folks here could tell us the general feeling of the people on the streets about our new war.

 Everybody I talk to over here is still behind it after only 3 weeks. In fact most of who I talk to want more extreme attacks and could generaly care less if the UN can't get relief in to Afganistan.  I and pretty much everybody I know have the ole "war is Hell" attitude.

 What's it like on the other side of the pond?

Offline Defiance

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Hey Brit's...
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2001, 09:50:00 AM »
Hiya Udie,
I am guilty of being a Limey   :)
All around me there is a great majority of support (long may this continue)
Polls for War/Action are still in the 80% bracket i believe   :)

America as we so much hear has a "Special Relationship" with the USA and all i can say is it sure has from my opinion and hopefully can grow some more   :)

Look at it this way, I think if it happened to Britain America would of done just the same as we did and straight away gone shoulder to shoulder so to speak with us (i reckon so anyways), After all we have been close for so many years and times like these you find who your allies/friends really are

My 0.2c  

Have Fun


EDIT........Added smileys not to condone war, But to show support seems to still be there and governments are willing to try to do things for the better of the majority of peoples
Hope this makes sense


[ 10-30-2001: Message edited by: Defiance ]

Offline qts

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Hey Brit's...
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2001, 02:03:00 PM »
You must understand that The Guardian is a left-leaning paper - sometimes very left (qv 'Pol Gott'). It is not representative of the general British public.

Offline Dowding

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Hey Brit's...
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2001, 02:18:00 PM »
Some I know don't really care either way. Others are for it. I don't see really strong opinion either way, but mostly it's positive.

Personally, I get the impression the military don't really know what they are doing or where this is going. The politicians keep the rhetoric going (the easy part), but there seems to be confusion as to the goals and the means to achieve those goals. The public voicing of this concern by the commander of the Royal Marines is a good example.

Ethnic tensions are pretty high at the moment. I have a 'source' working quite high in local government. She's being telling me of some of the developments within and without the Pakistani community around here.

Today, there was a guy on the radio who lived in Britain. I'd call him British, but that would be an abuse of the word. He was explaining how British Muslims were perfectly justified to go and fight for the Taliban against British forces. I was pretty angry by the time he had finished his spouting.
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline Udie

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Hey Brit's...
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2001, 02:26:00 PM »
Thanks for the input guys   :)

 QTS,  I hope this doesn't turn into a left/right thing.  Personaly I think it won't, but God help us if it does..  Both sides of "that" argument understand exactly what is at stake here, I hope.


 I know what you mean about the military.  To me it looks like they were rushed to start with out really thinking the whole thing through to the end.  I also know that we Americans have a history with "real" wars.  We tend to get off on the wrong foot and make mistakes up front, that usualy cost lives.  Then we get it in gear and stomp arse.  I hope that's what's going on here.  I've seen a couple of pretty big mistakes already on both fronts of our new war.

 Anyway, thanks for the support Brits!  You guys have always been there for us and your proving it again   :)

 Long live the Queen!   :D

[ 10-30-2001: Message edited by: Udie ]

Offline Swoop

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Hey Brit's...
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2001, 06:12:00 PM »

I saw that fella on the news.  Mid way through the interview (on the street) another Muslim bloke interupted shouting how this fella was definately not associated with the Muslum community center over the road.

Seems the British Muslims are split as well.


no idea what it's like back home, I live in Holland......and if ya ask a Cloggie what he thinks of the war he'll reply "Ja, is not possible." so no help there.


Offline LtHans

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Hey Brit's...
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2001, 04:56:00 AM »
Americans are supporting the current effort, but (there is always a "but"), we're none too sure of where this will all go as well.  Vietnam comes to mind alot.  Something we temporarily forgot when the U.N. asked us to poke around in Somalia a few years back.

Still, comparing Vietnam with Afganistan, even Afganistan vs Russia compared to today, there are some differences.  Vietnam had Russian help.  Afgansitan had American help when they fought the Russians.  Nobody is helping the Taliban right now (at least not that we can tell....I wouldn't put it past some Arabs to suddenly start smuggling them whatever they need on their own just to hurt America).  Hell, Russia is helping us this time, something I am VERY grateful for and hope to return the favor to Russia.  Vietnam was a war that American's didn't really want to fight.  This time it is personal to America.  There are no peace movments, just flying American flags (a toejamload of them too, they're everywhere).

The goals are clear, at least in the short term.  Get Afganistan back into the real world so they don't depend on rich whackos for part of their money.  Also, kill the whackos as often as possible when they pop up.  Part of Al Queda is devoted to helping the Taliban.  The Al Queda recruits are not all sent overseas to bomb Americans.  Alot get sent to the frontlines to fight the Northern Alliance.  The Taliban helps Al Queda and in return Al Queda helps the Taliban.  They are strongly rumored to be behind the suicide bombing of the Northern Alliance leader a few days before September 11 for example.

BTW, news tidbit.  Did you get the feeling the USA was bombing all over the country of Afganistan with no point?  Well, from what I just heard two days ago, all those scattered places are FOREIGNERS, not Afgans.  Those troops and bunkers were all the known places that Pakistanis, Saudis, and others were working from.  There is logic behind this stuff.

Now that this part is over so from now on we're devoting most of our strikes are towards the Taliban front lines.  My guess is that we ran out of terrorist style targets, which naturally came first in the US bombing campaign.  The Northern Alliance can squeak all they want about the lack of US help, but our interest do come first.  The Northern Alliance are no angels, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend you know.  Hopefully we can persuade the Norhtern Alliance to show some restraint when this war is over, but it could get dicey.  I don't neccessary care if they don't stop growing opium, or are pro American.  All they need to promise the US is to not support terrorists and that would be enough.

I was worried about British temperment too.  I often check out the BBC's website for information, because I find CNN to be...well...skewed towards one direction and not as objective.  Now, the BBC's website has this thing they call the "talking point".  If you ever read that, you almost think the whole world was pro-Taliban or something.  I couldn't figure it out untill I realised that whoever was selecting which posts make it onto the board is DEFINELY anti-war.  The US led campaign is just evil if you read the Talking Point section.  Your not getting an accurate cross section of public opinion.  Your getting that BBC employee's opinion.

I'm glad the word on the street is more like the US version of it.
