This is where you guys went wrong, you are looking for a fight where one doesn't exist.
I didn't reflect blame on filth.
I said Take it up with your CO.
I work with the COs, they are on the design team.
I'm frankly getting tired of the pot shots, Take it up with your CO, that's who I work with.
Culero posted a jab, I told him how to address it. Same here, take it up with your CO.
Fencer, you posted in another thread quoting the rules, and said the US Team shall use N/7. Problem is, the rules didn't say that. Said shall use up to. Get your facts straight before you go off on rants, it's beneath you, makes you look bad.
There is a squadron assigned to each CV, and an AirWing assigned to each squad. Ya, guess you missed that, clearly my bad. Then again, with Fencer interpreting rules that don't exist, it doesn't suprise me that bad advice was given and helped cause a last minute change. Clearly, I'm not blaming Filth.
I'm not blaming Filth for anything. I've spent the weekend reviewing logs, counting bombs, watching films and all the other fun stuff that happens when an event runs.
I've seen good and bad on both sides, Ive seen settings that didnt take and some really good plans that went bad.
Now, again, Take it up with your CO.
The CO brings issues to the design team, they are solved, agreed to, and move on. If you think I'm going to try and sit out here mucking through all the tirades and rants' your nuts. I've got work to do.