Originally posted by badhorse
1. How do you make irregular coastlines, land areas, etc.? All my tiles are just square blocks.
Hi badhorse
Others will explain better how to make custom terrain tiles but the key is in the alpha bitmap. Search on alpha.
2. How do you make gently rolling hills or mountains? When I change elevations I end up with cone shapes with steep sides.
>Realistic elevations are hard and can be time consuming. The TE has a great feature that allows you to do most of the work using a grayscale bitmap. Depending on where you are in your project, in the TE, under File, export your current elevations to a bitmap file. Write down the maximum elevation height, you'll need it later. Then with photoshop or GIMP, expand the view to the maximum and use the smudge tool to smooth the elevation changes and sculpt wrinkles and canyons, this breaks up those long ridgelines and sharp peaks. Be sure to work on copies only and expect to fine tune it in the TE afterwards, check for water not zero. When you've done what you can with the bitmap, import the bitmap elevations back into your project, this is where you need to remember the maximum elevation height. It's not perfect but it will save you hours of work in the TE.
3. Is there a list of what all the object codes are? I renamed the shape filter text file per the TE help file and my list of available objects is quite extensive. But I have no idea what the majority of them are.
>The shpfilter is your friend. You can catch on to the basic naming convention in an hour or two. It might be helpful to open the Object Editor and scroll through the list of shapes in there. Otherwise, you’ll have to place the objects on your terrain and look at them one at a time. Keep in mind you don’t get a sense of scale in the OE’s preview window. Btw, don’t run the AH, the OE or TE at the same time, it might work for awhile but sooner or later one of them will crash.
4. Is there a way to view the objects before saving the file? For example if I want to see the difference between hill3 and hill 7.
>Not sure I understand what you mean, just place the shape and look at it.
5. In Bogie's tutorial the carrier isn't given a map room, but in the MA they are. They are usually stuck up on a mountain top some where out of the way. Since the CV's are tied to a port, what is the reason for giving them a map room?
>Give the CVs a maproom.
Okay, I'll quit for now. Any help would be appreciated.