Lefortovo tunnel is scary. Almost 3km underground, and several turns. Last week a car caught fire there, it jammed one side of third transport ring completely for 6 hours. All traffic in 10-million megapolis blocked.
Russian driving style is not very calm. There are no Russians who don't like riding fast (c) N.V.Gogol. I had one aquaintance from Swiss who said that muscowites drive very politely and friendly, but then he said that he lived in south-east Asia for 15 years
MrRiplEy[H], great Finnish folklore!
I'll use this expression, thanks!
Russians who drive in the US say that Americans never overtake and if someone drives Ford-T at impressive 40km/h - everyone behind him goes at the same speed.
I think that ice is the problem in this video, combined with "bald" tires and "shahid-taxi"s.
I don't drive, don't have a lisence and don't want to get one. Underground is much faster and safe, my ticket costs me about $0.5 daily, less then a litre of gas (i buy 90-day smart-card).
Moscow is a big village and it's unique even in Russia. It's crazy.
That bus is nicknamed "garmoshka", a "harmonica", they were made in Hungary by Ikarus, IIRC now Russia bought that factory and builds them here.