Author Topic: WTG to the ACLU  (Read 3294 times)

Offline midnight Target

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WTG to the ACLU
« Reply #45 on: July 24, 2006, 03:25:05 PM »
Originally posted by lukster
Let's be honest. Who thinks the ACLU would come to the support of these very same people if they were preaching love and tolerance outside of a school rather than anti-war bigotry outside a soldier's funeral?

If their rights were infringed the ACLU would be there.

Here's a question.. who do you want out there protecting our civil liberties?

Offline midnight Target

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WTG to the ACLU
« Reply #46 on: July 24, 2006, 03:28:05 PM »
Originally posted by lukster
You cited only one chapter. Even 18% of their income is way too much when it comes outta my pocket.

That 18% is regularly awarded to the winners of lawsuits. Christian anti-abortion legal groups have a similar take from court cases.

Offline lukster

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WTG to the ACLU
« Reply #47 on: July 24, 2006, 03:30:19 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
If their rights were infringed the ACLU would be there.

Here's a question.. who do you want out there protecting our civil liberties?

The ACLU has pressed and is pressing continuously to deny everyone the freedom to express their religious views in "public". They are not the champions of free speech unless it suits their agenda.

If we didn't have big brother and the ACLU deciding what was was ok to say we wouldn't need this "protection" you speak of.

Offline midnight Target

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WTG to the ACLU
« Reply #48 on: July 24, 2006, 03:32:13 PM »
The ACLU has never tried to keep people from expressing their views in public.

Offline lukster

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WTG to the ACLU
« Reply #49 on: July 24, 2006, 03:35:24 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
The ACLU has never tried to keep people from expressing their views in public.

What would you call it when that highschool valedictorian's mic was cut? It was cut soley because the school was buffaloed by the ACLU. The ACLU even stated that "there should be no controversy over this".

This is but one example revealing one of the not so hidden agendas of the ACLU.

Offline rpm

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WTG to the ACLU
« Reply #50 on: July 24, 2006, 03:47:32 PM »
As I recall, it was school officials, not the ACLU, that cut off her mic.
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Offline midnight Target

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WTG to the ACLU
« Reply #51 on: July 24, 2006, 04:02:13 PM »
students are required to submit their speeches in writing ahead of time and they're told if they deviate from the script at all, their microphones will be cut off. The district maintains that's exactly what happened in this case.

Not the ACLU.

Offline lukster

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WTG to the ACLU
« Reply #52 on: July 24, 2006, 04:39:59 PM »
Originally posted by rpm
As I recall, it was school officials, not the ACLU, that cut off her mic.

The school was still under the threat of a law suit from the ACLU. Make no mistake, the ACLU was behind this. You guys are fooling yourselves if you don't think the ACLU is the biggest culprit in denying these young people freedom of speech.

Offline midnight Target

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WTG to the ACLU
« Reply #53 on: July 24, 2006, 04:45:21 PM »
They didn't do anything, but even if they did, they were ensuring freedom of religion, not reducing freedom of speech.

Offline lukster

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WTG to the ACLU
« Reply #54 on: July 24, 2006, 04:48:05 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
They didn't do anything, but even if they did, they were ensuring freedom of religion, not reducing freedom of speech.

I'd dig up the reports and show you what the ACLU did if I thought it would help to change your mind. Since I don't I'm not going to go to the trouble.

Offline Gunston

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WTG to the ACLU
« Reply #55 on: July 24, 2006, 06:31:45 PM »
Read thru the post's
Can't believe no one brought up that issue with the child molester organization NAMBLA.

Yea the ACLU has been fighting the good fight for quite a few years to protect those guys right to molest little boys.

Yea if you guys want to believe they have no agenda then show me where that is in the Constitution.

I know it's probably right next to that right to kill your baby clause they were able to find during Roe v Wade.

Offline RedTop

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WTG to the ACLU
« Reply #56 on: July 24, 2006, 07:08:37 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
They didn't do anything, but even if they did, they were ensuring freedom of religion, not reducing freedom of speech.

I believe it would be freedom "From" not of.
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Offline Sandman

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WTG to the ACLU
« Reply #57 on: July 24, 2006, 07:47:41 PM »
Originally posted by Gunston
Read thru the post's
Can't believe no one brought up that issue with the child molester organization NAMBLA.

Yea the ACLU has been fighting the good fight for quite a few years to protect those guys right to molest little boys.

Yea if you guys want to believe they have no agenda then show me where that is in the Constitution.

I know it's probably right next to that right to kill your baby clause they were able to find during Roe v Wade.

Blah blah blah... Freedom of speech and right to privacy.

Offline Thrawn

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WTG to the ACLU
« Reply #58 on: July 24, 2006, 09:12:42 PM »
Originally posted by lukster
I'd dig up the reports and show you what the ACLU did if I thought it would help to change your mind. Since I don't I'm not going to go to the trouble.

What a long way of saying, "I can't support my assertations.".

Offline Charon

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WTG to the ACLU
« Reply #59 on: July 24, 2006, 10:38:30 PM »
All of us 2nd Amendment types have it all wrong. We won't be rising up to remove a tyrannical government -- our own ****ing citizens will willing give away those freedoms without a fight for:

1. Security. If you have nothing to hide...
2. Your rights end where my feelings begin.
3. Dammit, it's the FLAG! (I don't recall swearing during my enlistment that "I will support and defend the flag of the United States against all enemies...)


Obviously, won't just be the LIBEURLS that send us down the river into being subjects of the all encompassing corporate Nanny State, though they will certainly pitch in on the freedoms they find particularly disturbing.

Phelps is a tool of the highest order. But, the pissy thing of it is, is that if we want to live with any individual freedom what-so-ever we have to tolerate tools like Phelps. We have to accept that 3-4 tools will burn a flag each year without any common sense level of justification to go with that act. We have to accept that, on occasion, an enemy may take advantage of our general level of openness and freedom to commit terrorist acts. The alternative is the iron clad security and "proper thought" you find in a Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. And don't forget that the majority of the citizens in both generally supported the regimes. Hell, the Germans couldn't drop the Wiemar Republic fast enough to get back to a new Kaiser (papa Adolph) who put the commies in their place, cleaned up the streets of hooligans and rabble rousers, got rid of that degenerate culture and returned Germany to solid "family values."

I don't even want a taste of that "security" myself, therefore I tolerate Phelps. I don't even want the security of an "American Singapore."

I generally side 100 percent with what the ACLU supports. Even NAMBLA. They have a 100 percent right to free speech even if it is disgusting. However, if a NAMBLA follower acts on that speech then they have a 100 percent right to life in prison.  

Just like religionists have a 100 percent right to brainwash their children. Of course, I'm ONLY talking about the "bad" religions like the Jeffs Clan, or the "Jihad means Love" types, or the Hollywierd Scientology scene. A lot of people might not agree with their ability to totally **** up their children from an early age on, but where do you draw the line? Currently, with a group like the Jeffs we draw it at 16 year old child brides in arranged polygamous marriages to older men by the whims of Jeffs. However, are the Baptists and Protestants cultists as well? (Hell, just ask a hardcore follower of one about the other and see what the answer is :)) No dancing or drinking on one side, and smoking purses and marching orders from the supreme (human) leader in Rome on the other... A slippery slope, I say.

My biggest ***** with the ACLU, and it's not a small one, is that they clearly see some rights as more important than others. The ACLU's red-headed-stepchild is, of  course, the 2nd Amendment.

However, you take what you can get, and for now there is no rights organization that seems to have the focus and resources to stand up for the Bill of Rights as fully as the ACLU, regardless of who they support in the process (its the right, not the content of the expression) or don't support (firearm owners). Regardless of who founded the organization and for what purposes way back when. Case by case I can't really disagree with any position I have read so far in recent years (aside fro their views on the 2nd). FWIW, I also think the NRA does a piss poor job of supporting the 2nd, but I joined anyway for much the same reason. The Illinois Rifle Association, which I also joined, is borderline incompetent in a battleground state, but again, what's the alternative today? Maybe I can become involved moving forward, if it's not just some insider's downstate hunter's/trapshooter's club. You take what you can get.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2006, 11:03:55 PM by Charon »