For once I am going to agree with Animal.
Oleg Maddox is a very talented designer, but he has a very strong nationalistic streak which is colouring his design of this sim.
Basically the Soviet Union won the land part of WWII. They would have made it to Berlin whether or not the Allies landed at D-Day.
But they did it at a cost of 27 million dead, 10 million of which were soldiers. So obviously this is a big emotional issue for Russians, and also a big source of pride.
The Soviets had the largest part in the victory in Europe, but they also had a lot of very stupid commanders, who made poor decisions and killed a lot of their men by trying to please Stalin.
In the airwar, the Soviets claimed something like 60,000 German aircraft shot down. That is around 3 times the TOTAL number of aircraft lost by the Germans on ALL fronts.
The Germans basically kicked Soviet butt in the air. And they did it against much larger numbers. The main reason was initially far inferior Soviet aircraft, and then later, very poor training of the Soviet pilots who replaced the ones killed early on.
From 1944 onwards the Germans had barely 400 fighters facing the Soviets, but they still managed to score more victories.
Sure there were a few good Soviet Aces, usually guys who were lucky enough to have the training to survive the early days, and then fly well in the later stages.
I think Oleg has swallowed all the Soviet propaganda and has to believe what was said: Ie. The Soviets were facing the bulk of the German airforce, and the best aircraft. Since hardly any 190's, (except in the ground attack role) were on the East Front, the best line is to represent the 109 as the superior aircraft, capable of rolling much faster, with excellent high speed control and no compressibility.
And the Soviet aircraft all seem to be represented with absolutely none of their flaws, ie. manufacturing problems, quality control etc.
He's also dishing out these myths re. tank main guns etc.
Plus the formula he is using to calculate the FM is purely mechanical, and doesn't seem to have taken into consideration the realities of the Humans who actually had to use the controls under conditions like compressibility etc.
It's a shame, since the actual mechanics of the Sim are excellent, and the graphics etc. are first class. Even the 'feel' of the aircraft is very good. Too bad the FM is definitely wonky.
Oleg needs to be called on his claims.
He should produce the documents which back up his performance claims. Especially the German ones. And the Soviet ones should be examined very closely for design bureau overclaiming.
There are signs that Oleg is backtracking a bit on some of the outlandish aspects of the FM, but I think we will have to wait for the final release to find what his final decision was.