Author Topic: OK - It should work now  (Read 161 times)

Offline Midnight

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OK - It should work now
« on: August 07, 2006, 12:31:23 PM »
Technical Support - What good is it really?

I went to install Norton System Works Premier to try and fix a problem I am having with Microsoft ActiveSync, with the assumation that NSW would "Optimize your computer experience" as it says on the box.

After an extremely long installation time (over 45 minutes) I finally got a message that another program was causing excessive disk activity so installation was aborted...

Being that I already had NIS and NAV, I thought one of them might be to blame, so I ran an update, did a full system scan to make sure no viruses, etc, then un-installed NIS and NAV.

I tried to install NSW again, only to get error 9999,171. Symantec web page says run this utility and try again....

After two live technical support phone calls, I still cannot install NSW, now have no NIS or NAV installed and I still have the original problem of not being able to sync my Treo with my PC.

Both tech support agents had me doing registry edits and deleting all kinds of symantec and norton related stuff from my PC... each call ended with them stating... OK, it should work now


Offline deSelys

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OK - It should work now
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2006, 01:09:43 PM »
Norton is THE ultimate antivirus: it completely fills your HDD, wreck your registry and eats up all your CPU cycles, making it impossible for viruses to install.

Pure genius...

Btw, I see your near future: HDD format and complete re-install. Sorry...

When you're done, you can give AVG a try (it's free for home use):
Current ID: Romanov

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Offline lukster

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OK - It should work now
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2006, 01:22:09 PM »
I like Norton AV but despise their firewall. Check your advanced firewall settings.