Hey all,
With my X45 dying a slow, painful, lingering death, and the discontinuation of the model, I have finally bit the bullet and ordered myself a full CH setup.
I am sure I will be frustrated beyond tears in the coming weeks once they get here (should be later this week).
Basically, this means I have to relearn each plane's edge - a very simple task
I just don't want to do this anymore then once more. That's why I'm asking ahead of time if anyone has any stick scaling advice for this setup. I usually fly a Corsair and I fly it slooooow with lots and lots of flaps, if that makes any difference.
Is there any chance someone could post a screenshot of their scalings, or, if this is possible, email them to me? Vudak at Yahoo . com
Looking forward to extreme frustration in the coming weeks, some serious TA time, and all that good stuff