Author Topic: Variety in the MA  (Read 984 times)

Offline Apache

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Variety in the MA
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2001, 11:28:00 AM »
<S> Urchin,

I know how you feel. That is, until I regain my composure after gettin my arse handed to me (darn ya JASE) and soberly evaluating what I'm actually seeing. Agreed there are alot of Georges and Spits, but there are more aircraft out there.

I will use your tour 18 stats. To make it easier on me, I will name only the planes you have not shot down or been shot down by.

Bf 109G-6
Fw 190D-9
Fw 190F-8
La-5FN (hmmm, haven't seen me yet, eh?  :D)
Ta 152H

Pretty short list and this tour is only 6 days old.

Your stats tell me 2 things however. Either you are in fact seeing a higher percentage of the planes you speak of or you haven't yet figured out how to beat em.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not degrading your piloting skills. I'm no Drex either, lol. I'm just pointing out that there are more aircraft being flown in AH than it seems.

Offline Urchin

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« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2001, 12:01:00 PM »
I think you could add the rest of the 190s to the list, and most of the 109s (of planes I've not shot down or been shot down by).  And yes, you are right, by looking at my stats it does seem that I run into more spits, nikis and la7s then any other plane.  Maybe that it why I am getting the impression that they are all over the place- just because I always happen to find a clump of em.  Ran into Westy yesterday in his F6f, he got me 3 times in a row hehe. And yes... my record DOES show I have a tough time with nikis and La7s.  I do.  The only 109 that has a chance against the la7 at low level (which is where all the fights are anyway) is the g2, because it can turn inside of the la7.  The only 109 that has a chance against the niki is the G10- because it can run away.  No 109 can outzoom the niki- I have film to prove it.  Actually, in both my cases the niki was READY to stall out, of course about 10 seconds after any other plane WOULD have stalled out.  And we can actually use the "stats" to check and see how the planes do against the other planes...  Actually... while checking the stats to see which planes the Niki had a losing record against (the la5- way to go heheh)-  I thought of a better idea.  Why not take the score for the Niki vs. the Niki and compare it to the Niki vs the rest of the planes?  Since we all know the Niki is the most common plane in the arena, could we use this data to measure how often other planes are flown?  I'm to lazy to do it right now, someone else tell me if it is a good idea or not

Offline Urchin

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Variety in the MA
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2001, 12:10:00 PM »
urchin.. I have stated before... The plane that needs to be perked is allways the one that causes the most problems for your plane choice. If it doesn't cause problems for your plane choice then you don't care and iff it IS your plane choice you will sqeal like a stuck pig when it is perked.

Yes, I understand that- however, the Niki and LA7 don't just cause problems for MY plane choice.

The niki has a losing record to the following-  190a5 (tempted to think of this as a quirk, it won't have a losing record at the end of the tour)
          - 190f8 (see above)
          -la5fn (see above, not as sure on this one)
          -ki61 (a new nikikiller?)
          - C-Hog (I think you'd have to agree with me that it is the guns, especially if you look at the D-Hogs record)
          -p51b (not as sure if this is a quirk, or if there is one p51b pilot that loves to kill nikis)
          -Yak9U (this one may actually be ligit, the Yak is mean at low level).

So, as you can see, a handful of planes have winning records vs. the Niki.  Do all the other models have crappy pilots in them?  I don't think so.  I think even the BEST pilots have trouble with the niki when it is handled by a mediocre pilot, to say nothing of the very good pilots that have taken up flying it.  I'm not the best pilot in the world, and I'm not the worst- but I am to proud to fly a niki.  By the way, if you'd like film of the niki outzooming me, I'll have to find it in my "pile o' film" and mail  it to you.  We both started the zoom at 500ish MPH ( a good 6-7k dive before), he was 1.2K back, he closed to within d650 and shot me up as I stalled.

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2001, 12:11:00 PM »
The N1K2 vs N1K2 stats will always be 1:1... as will any occurance of a plane type vs itself.


Offline Urchin

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« Reply #19 on: July 06, 2001, 12:14:00 PM »
I know Deja... I was thinking we could use that 1:1 to see how often Nikis ran into other planes, besides themselves.  It won't be GREAT, because fights don't ALWAYS end in death- but it will give you a pretty good idea I think.

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #20 on: July 06, 2001, 01:07:00 PM »
It only dulls the stats a tad bit.  If a plane is over 1 in K/D (total), then it does better against other planes than it does against itself.  If a plane is below 1, then it does worse against other planes than it does against itself.

With the N1K2, you're talking moving from 1.081 k/d against all fighters to 1.096 against all fighters except itself... this tour... as of 10 minutes ago.
