Author Topic: WWIIOnline wii be 9.95$ / month  (Read 2632 times)

LJK Raubvogel

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WWIIOnline wii be 9.95$ / month
« Reply #60 on: February 15, 2001, 05:22:00 PM »
Well, far be it from me to try to convince people that all this "there will be too many Quake heads/ there won't be enough action" crap is totally unfounded. I just find the whole elitist stance of "I pay more money, that makes me/my game better" to be friggin hilarious.

Offline Vila

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« Reply #61 on: February 15, 2001, 05:46:00 PM »
Although I do believe in WWIIOL, I'm not TRYING to be a cheerleader.... just trying to to counter some of the more ridiculous arguments (about connects, realism and such) and answer some questioned.

Skepticism is reasonable and healthy,  You won't find me flaming skeptics or anything like that.

Besides, I LIKE AH...  after all, HTC gets my $30/mo

Vila <Flying Pigs>
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Offline Kieren

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« Reply #62 on: February 15, 2001, 05:46:00 PM »
Raub, read my posts again. I have said it will be no better than AH WRT the type of people in it and that I believe it will need a lot of people in it to be anywhere near the vision I have seen proposed, nothing more.

Flick that chip off your shoulder.

[This message has been edited by Kieren (edited 02-15-2001).]

Offline Fariz

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« Reply #63 on: February 15, 2001, 05:56:00 PM »
The tougher competion the better games and the lover prices.

I never was entusiastic about wwIIonline but I fullheartly wish it to be a good game.

Offline Lizard3

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« Reply #64 on: February 15, 2001, 05:56:00 PM »
   As a side note, someone mentioned IL2. It is being produced by Blue Byte software. BB just got bought out by Ubisoft. I don't know about yuns's, but methinks delays are in least 2 weeks.
   In response to the main jist of this thread, I know personally of at least 8 if not 10 guys who would gladly pay for this flight sim...If it dropped in price. All of these men are mature, squad oriented individuals ranging in age from 28 to 60. There is NO way they will triple there current OL entertainment budget, even if its the best. I want my (old)freinds back!

Offline rosco-

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« Reply #65 on: February 15, 2001, 06:13:00 PM »
 All i can say is YIPPIE, I can affoard to play both. Ah with its late war planset and WW2 with its early plane set. Life is good again, im gona go now and kill some stuff and blow toejam up.

 I will say though, if ww2 online models the Chog or has flackpanzers they'll no get my 10 smakeroos.

Offline Revvin

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« Reply #66 on: February 15, 2001, 06:20:00 PM »
While WW2OL looks fascinating and certainly a brave endeavour to try where others have failed at an electronic battlefield I certainly am sceptical of how WW2OL is going to find enough players to flesh out land sea and air forces. Sure I think the air war side will get filled quite well as I see alot of players from both Aces High and WW2OL trying it out, perhaps with a view to havign it as a second online game account to compliment their other chosen dedicated flight sim but what about land and sea forces?

The average FPS fan is already well catered for with FREE products to play online and while the current trend is leaning towards a more 'realistic' approach in the form of Counterstrike and its various clones and the recently released WW2 based 'Day Of Defeat' I really find it hard to imagine an FPS player being asked to yomp for miles with perhaps just a pistol and a rifle while being shot at by planes overhead and tanks on the ground, they will get bored pretty quickly IMHO. At the moment they only have to contend with other players runing around but even then there is no organisation..just try playing a specifically team based game such as Counterstrike or even Capture the Flag in one of the FPS games and people run off in many dfferent directions  

Another thing I feel uneasy about is the whole command structure..will this not just be a case of rewarding players who are online the most? if thats the case then prepare to be ordered by a bunch of spotty school kids using mommies credit card   If this is not the case the whole thing is still wide open to abuse by unscrupulous players and I have already had my fill of tin-pot dictators to pay to play a game suposedly for relaxation!

I hope the $9.99 won't attract the l33t kewl d00dz, not through some snobish mentality for paying more elsewhere but if you think you need a filter for the radio channels now..well just wait and see what the FPS crowd can bring your way  

Lastly I'd like the option to opt out of any rank system, keep score sure not particulaly points but ratio's of hits etc just to see how I'm doing once in a while. I personally feel uneasy about taking a rank or gaining medals that real servicemen and woman fought and died for..this is a personal thing and I don't think any worse of someone who does like to apply these ranks to themselves but the squad I ran and have been a part of I have always rejected giving myself anything but CO or XO infront of my name and thats just so people can see who runs the squad for a point of contact.

Another online flight-sim is only good news for us consumers but don't expect to see Warbirds or Aces High suddenly drop to $9.99 to enter a price war with WW2OL because they are not making money from a shelf-top product.

Offline Spitboy

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« Reply #67 on: February 15, 2001, 06:23:00 PM »
It is a game where there could be some fun but I also forsee it will also be THE place to have to endure millions of "MajorGeneral Napoleon Balo" types. There will be 100 times greater the issue seen here in that players will be accused even more of not playing right, that they're not attacking correctly, they are failing to attack the right target, even failing to attack the right target in the right way but how the hell did they dare leave my squad out that mission and "who the hell put you in charge you ignoramus!" types. MORE than you ever could of thought there would be here.

Normally I would agree with that, however one thing to keep in mind is those little Napoleans will have to earn the right to post missions by demonstrating tactical skill.

It will be very easy to separate the worthy commander from the maroon - just look at the rank. So, while there may be Balo's running around, they will have neglible impact becasue the game is structured that way.

I think (hope) the rank system, the realism and the learning curve will naturally keep the tone of the arena on a bearable level.

Gonna be interesting, in any case. I have a feeling a lot of folks here will find WW2OL to be very fun and immersive.

Spitboy -SW-

Offline LLv34_Snefens

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WWIIOnline wii be 9.95$ / month
« Reply #68 on: February 15, 2001, 06:25:00 PM »
"As a side note, someone mentioned IL2. It is being produced by Blue Byte software. BB just got bought out by Ubisoft. I don't know about yuns's, but methinks delays are in least 2 weeks."

As a side note to that   they opened the signing for beta-testers yesterday. It will begin March 2.
Snefens, Lentolaivue 34.
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Offline Sundog

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« Reply #69 on: February 15, 2001, 07:06:00 PM »
ALl signed up for IL-2 Beta testing :::Cross's fingers:::

ww2ol 39.95 + 10.00/month. I can afford that.

Targetware allowing us to virtually create our own games? Very cool. This one will take time to develop, but should prove fun in the long run. I better dig back into 3dsmax. It's about time I got to fly a Moonbat!

Oh, and that other game. AH. Always improving. Sure is a great day to be a WW2 FS fanatic!  

VMF-111 Devildogs
'Criticism is always easier then craftmanship.'

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #70 on: February 15, 2001, 10:30:00 PM »
(Pre-Order, Ships On 06/01/2001)  
Price: $39.99
Category: PC Games
ESRB Rating: N/A  


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Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #71 on: February 15, 2001, 10:54:00 PM »
I kinda like it here. It's 'familiar' now, I know what to expect, how to react in a given situation. For the most part the folks are pretty decent sorts; the adversarys cunning and skilled; the strat constantly evolving, the sim is maturing well.. considering where we are; what we've come thru and whats ahead... Why would I wanna start all over again?

A LOT of folks still fly AW and WB for precisely the reasons listed above.. and they don't give a rats bellybutton about the flight model.  

All things being equal, if WWIIonline presents a better flight model I'll give it a look-see and make a decision based on that. Flight models brought me here; the community and the developers attitude toward continued refinement keep me here. What's WWIIonline got to compete with that? Strat? LOL.. herding 20-30 cats that pay 29.95 a month is tuff enuff.. anybody wanna take a guess of what it's gonna be like to be in a herd 600 cheap cats? LOL.. on second thought, THAT might be worth the price of admission to see.  

Competition is ALWAYS good.. hell, WB'ers oughta kiss HTC for their new pricing. Maybe WWIIonline will do us the same favor.. and if that happens and the more anal children in our midst have all bolted over there then I think we'll be twice blessed when and if WWIIonline goes public.

It ain't a money issue for guys that want a quality gaming experience.. for folks like me a $9.95 price tag is no draw at all.. quite the contrary in fact.

But this and all the above is just another pre-release supposition.. don't mean a dammed thing; we're all just spinnin gears till WWiionline shifts from hype to public play.




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Offline Jammer

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« Reply #72 on: February 16, 2001, 01:27:00 AM »
I read and I ponder upon the doubts vetilated on those boards, adn I find that all of them have been up for discussion over at the WWIIOL boards many many times, and CRS have been explaining to us many many times the way those issues are going to (supposedly) be handled.

Altough a community naturally reacts in a hostile way to an external threat which can potentially wipe out the own community, many of your concerns are not viable, while some concerns are VERY valid.

I found myself doubting the player base would be large enough, but then I time after time are boggled by the interest shown for a game not even out yet...

So if WWIIOL delivers the nessecary player base WILL be there, I'm more or less positive of this.

As for the 'cheerleading' and overly confidence shown by many 'fans' of WWIIOL, that is a natural stance when looking forward to something that promises to be THE game one has been waiting for the last 15 years...but don't think there are no 'internal critique' in the WWIIOL community, because there sure is.

But also, we are idiots no more than anyone else, and we know that WWIIOL might be a flop and blah blah we know all that. Its all about which stance you decide to take on the game; I've decided to take the optimistic stance, so what?

And for the remark about 'General wannabes, especially on the German side', what is wrong with that? I think everyone had a dream as a kid to be a great general one time or another, and now we have the chance to realize that dream  

Its not like we become real generals under whose command REAL people are killed. This is a GAME gentlemen.


Offline easymo

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« Reply #73 on: February 16, 2001, 02:18:00 AM »
 My biggest hope, for WW2OL, rests with the fact that they will have all kinds of ground pounder toys. With all the tanks,trucks,boats,FPS stuff. There is no reason for them to have an easymode/combat trim/ whatever, button in the planes. Price doesn't keep the doodz out. FM does. At least out of the planes.


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WWIIOnline wii be 9.95$ / month
« Reply #74 on: February 16, 2001, 02:55:00 AM »
From what I`ve heard WWII online will have much the same flightmodel as AH.Maybe even harder,I remember reading about adjusting propeller pitch and such things.
That`s only good news for us AH people.
Flightmodel in most other sims aren`t even close to AH,so  we will have the adventage fron start.Besides it`ll keep the quakers on the ground.The way I see it it works the same way as in real life.
The people that have the intelligence to learn the flightmodel will be flying,all the triggerhappy quakers will be in the infantry, dying horrible deaths,when my Stuka drops it`s load on `em.
The other thing:in WWIIonline,people will have to reach certain ranks to use certain equipment.A kind of perk system.