Author Topic: ====New Movie - Gunfighters by Tango ===  (Read 2804 times)

Offline Sketch

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====New Movie - Gunfighters by Tango ===
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2006, 01:42:29 PM »
Nice job Tango!

P.S. Check your PM's  :aok
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Offline OntosMk1

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====New Movie - Gunfighters by Tango ===
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2006, 03:43:53 PM »
WOW...VERY very well of the best ive seen so far.
The music fit perfectly. The camera work was outstanding.
I wasnt aware that you could get some of the angles that you achieved.
The Scene where the 51D ropes the Yak was awe inspiring. Simply couldnt stop smiling. :D :D :D

This one knocks "German Iron" out of my first place standing.
WTFG :aok :aok :aok :aok
TIGER, tiger, burning bright  
In the forests of the night,  
What immortal hand or eye  
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

Offline Have

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====New Movie - Gunfighters by Tango ===
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2006, 02:27:40 AM »
Great movie! I cannot understand how you have managed to get that kind of camera work from the ah film viewer :) Very nice.

As an offtopic, I was constantly wondering in the act 1 why the 190 kept his droptank :)

edit: The sound effects were also superb :aok
« Last Edit: September 18, 2006, 02:32:10 AM by Have »

Offline dtango

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====New Movie - Gunfighters by Tango ===
« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2006, 10:18:34 AM »
Have:  the base shots were done in the AH film viewer including camera rotations around aircraft and 3D pans etc., but the 2D pan and  2D pan+zoom shots were done using Sony Vegas.  I used the 2D pan shots to create more visual interest and to help focus the action.  I did a lot more of this in Act II vs. Act I.  One of my objectives for this movie was to improve my technique of camera panning.

Would love to see HTC build in more flexibility in the ah filmviewer in terms of camera features - e.g. offset camera position so that the exact center of the screen isn't the focal point, ability to zoom in much closer in the "fixed view" camera position, etc.

Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

Offline ADog31st

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« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2006, 10:12:23 AM »
Dtango where did those engine sounds come from in ACt 2 ,  they were awsone to say the least,  what i have noticed is when recording your own plane engine sounds are not there  did you just use Aces High sound packs  (Waffles , mitzu , ect.)  to dub them in , or they from other sources could you share with us from where or what source?

Also did you just use your recorded film from aces high or the other to fighters Films as well to compile  your finish fim?

I would have to agree Dtango if Hitech gave us better tools to make some really awsome films , just think what that would do for there advertising , i believe it would make there buisness grow a hundred fold in no time . And players like us could put all there avertizing films together for them!

And agian the best Film so far from the Aces High Community!
Way to go dtango <> ADog31st.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2006, 10:24:47 AM by ADog31st »
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Offline o0Stream140o

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====New Movie - Gunfighters by Tango ===
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2006, 05:23:43 PM »
Good Job Tango... Great use of the Keyframes,  I really never thought in using them that way.

Offline [Sg]ShotGun

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====New Movie - Gunfighters by Tango ===
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2006, 09:10:12 PM »
Lucas Arts music track eh  ;)

Black 6 or Reno sounds?

Offline dtango

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====New Movie - Gunfighters by Tango ===
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2006, 09:27:17 PM »
ADog: ===
all sounds are dubbed-in post capture and added in during the movie editing process (virtual cutting room!).  None of the sounds were recorded out of the AH filmviewer.  And yes my engine running sounds for the principal recorded aircraft does not play back in my ah filmviewer though according to HTC this shouldn't be the case.  Maybe a bug due to the use of custom sounds in the game.  (BTW - already mentioned above but I fly with Waffle's sound pack).

Sounds- from a variety of sources - a) .wav files from the internet via some google searchs, b) some sounds from custom MS FS9 or MS CFS sound packs, c)  Those are mainly it.

All footage are recorded from already captured films played in the AH filmviewer for Gunfighters except for the p-51 cockpit view at take-off where I used a live-capture from my track-ir ingame (trackir view didn't look nearly as interesting as I was intending!).

Shotgun: ===
Music was all from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly movie soundtrack.  TBTGTU Main Theme came from the original soundtrack.  "Ecstasy of Gold" was a more recent re-recorded version.

Some Reno and Black 6 109 sounds featured, but there's several others as well.

Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

Offline Nightshift82

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====New Movie - Gunfighters by Tango ===
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2006, 05:19:37 AM »
very nice, as usual tango :aok
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Offline Reynolds

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====New Movie - Gunfighters by Tango ===
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2006, 05:27:28 AM »
OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! BUSTED!!! Thats not a braunco-mustang, thats a PONY D!!!

Offline The Fury

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====New Movie - Gunfighters by Tango ===
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2006, 05:45:44 AM »
I was amazed be this film it was like watching a real film with camera shots and music it was awsome :aok :aok :aok  three thumbs up from me :D
The Few
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Offline dtango

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====New Movie - Gunfighters by Tango ===
« Reply #26 on: September 20, 2006, 08:35:09 AM »
Thanks for all the comments folks.  It's a source of encouragement for the time and effort it takes to put a movie together.

Reynolds - you're mixing-up your military phonetic alphabet between "braunco" for "bravo" ;).  Visit the 412th website to get the background for the name "Braunco Mustangs".

Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs
Tango / Tango412 412th FS Braunco Mustangs
"At times it seems like people think they can chuck bunch of anecdotes into some converter which comes up with the flight model." (Wmaker)

Offline goody

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====New Movie - Gunfighters by Tango ===
« Reply #27 on: September 20, 2006, 01:30:57 PM »

Liked the mirror turn in Act II...:aok

Offline Reynolds

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====New Movie - Gunfighters by Tango ===
« Reply #28 on: September 20, 2006, 05:00:22 PM »
Originally posted by dtango
Thanks for all the comments folks.  It's a source of encouragement for the time and effort it takes to put a movie together.

Reynolds - you're mixing-up your military phonetic alphabet between "braunco" for "bravo" ;).  Visit the 412th website to get the background for the name "Braunco Mustangs".

Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs

Yeah, I know about Alpha, Bravo Charlie.... etc. Im air-force-comm qualified, i just hear a lot of people calling the pony B the Braunco here. Its confusing. And Ive seen your website before, BEAUTIFUL!!! Im trying to make mine like it, but I suck  :(

Offline Spiffing

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====New Movie - Gunfighters by Tango ===
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2006, 08:56:38 PM »
Cool vid, very nicely done. I'm curious how you got the shiney effect as I thought that was great. I need to by vegas but im stuck with windows media maker, seeying all these fantastic effects makes me weep!
