got my vote AWMAC for 'real' major to test my GPA ..-shrug- ..any math, c++, calculus, english literature, history, illustration, animation, composition (both english and visual), aerodynamics, aircraft performance, physiology .. .all 4.0
Got a 3.7 in chemistry ..highest grade awarded in the class.
..'real' majors would be more of the same.
I take school seriously, because I am payin for them to teach me everything they can. I don't go to socialize or 'keep the bell curve lower' .. I go to learn. (yes, I had a class 'spokesman' tell me to ease up cause I was hurtin the bell curve and makin the rest look bad .. ROFL.. I told him if he and his pals couldnt keep up, they were hirin at McDonalds )
My first 4-year degree program completed will probably be BS in Nursing's fascinating stuff.. to me.