Author Topic: The best part of the game is now history  (Read 3069 times)

Offline lazs2

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The best part of the game is now history
« Reply #90 on: September 30, 2006, 09:58:15 AM »
shawk...  I have played more this month than any other in years.  many are saying the same.

You appear to be saying that unless you are some pale and pasty guy who lives on line and plays like you do that they have no right to say anything...  obviously...

Everyone pays the same amount.     I have seen you on line but you really aren't even playing the same game I am...   I would be ashamed of myself if I were on as often as you were.  

I also feel that the way you play makes it hypocritical for you to judge the way we do since you have no idea what that is about.   There are plenty of paying customers who play just as we do.

there are very few who live on line as you do.   there are degrees of course... some younger guys and new guys may spend hours at a time on line at times for some "goal" or another.   Others are like us and get on for a few hours at night a couple of times a week to have fun and wind down.

I also find it strange that those who cry the most about losing the "massive" on line community are ones who never knew the community past their own nose...  5-6 thousand players and they only ever knew their own squad and some guys in the same chesspeice... like women who can't go to the bathroom without a girlfriend when the dance is full of people.

shawk... there are lots of guys who left that I missed a lot more than I would miss you leaving.  They all paid their 15 bucks too.   They added more to the game for me than you do.   Most squads never added anything to the "community" or gameplay for me and a lot of others... some squads were and are fun.. their guys will switch to even up gameplay and they will fight you.   They have been around.  they often have guys that have been in several squads before.
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Offline bj229r

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The best part of the game is now history
« Reply #91 on: September 30, 2006, 10:34:42 AM »
The best part of this game was MA, and the massive multiplayer flavor

Thats also the exact same reason a LOT of people DIDN'T like it
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers

Offline SHawk

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The best part of the game is now history
« Reply #92 on: September 30, 2006, 11:10:37 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
shawk...  I have played more this month than any other in years.  many are saying the same.

You appear to be saying that unless you are some pale and pasty guy who lives on line and plays like you do that they have no right to say anything...  obviously...

Everyone pays the same amount.     I have seen you on line but you really aren't even playing the same game I am...   I would be ashamed of myself if I were on as often as you were.  

I also feel that the way you play makes it hypocritical for you to judge the way we do since you have no idea what that is about.   There are plenty of paying customers who play just as we do.

there are very few who live on line as you do.   there are degrees of course... some younger guys and new guys may spend hours at a time on line at times for some "goal" or another.   Others are like us and get on for a few hours at night a couple of times a week to have fun and wind down.

I also find it strange that those who cry the most about losing the "massive" on line community are ones who never knew the community past their own nose...  5-6 thousand players and they only ever knew their own squad and some guys in the same chesspeice... like women who can't go to the bathroom without a girlfriend when the dance is full of people.

shawk... there are lots of guys who left that I missed a lot more than I would miss you leaving.  They all paid their 15 bucks too.   They added more to the game for me than you do.   Most squads never added anything to the "community" or gameplay for me and a lot of others... some squads were and are fun.. their guys will switch to even up gameplay and they will fight you.   They have been around.  they often have guys that have been in several squads before.
Public Relations Officer for the BK's

     1st of all you know very little about me, so don't claim to.
I play approximately 3-4 hr's per day and I DONT live online.
I run my own business, have a family, repair computers on the side and I could hardly do that if I was "Living Here"
     Playing the Game is a very small part of why I'm here, Mostly it's for the Freindships of my Squaddies and others "Yes NME too".
I have personally met 30-40 of the players in here and thats without even attending a CON. Can you say the same? Actually I think I've met more Bishops and Knights than my own country mates.
     I also noticed that you have 17799 posts in here. I think thats a Record.
Perhaps if you spent less time typing and more time playing you might possibly know what your talking about.
     I Don't switch sides because it helps me or my squad. I don't cheat by vulching a second account as many would like to believe and I don't require multiple Shades accounts because I made a ******* of myself using the others and can't back up my "Mouth"
     I actually miss seeing the BK's in the MA flying as a squad as they once were. I enjoyed the fights immensly because they were a tough squad to compete against.
     Some peeps seem to have a personal vendetta against me because I'm always ranked high and love to hunt me down. Thats the way I like it.
     Simply, put the caps at 500 in each arena and see where everyone goes and let the "Players" make their own decisions on where they want to be. I think you'll find that the majority want to be where the most players are. Do it and Prove me wrong.:aok <<--My Favorite Band

If it takes full power to taxi to the hanger, your gear is probably up.

Offline gatt

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« Reply #93 on: September 30, 2006, 11:38:46 AM »
Originally posted by SHawk
Simply, put the caps at 500 in each arena and see where everyone goes and let the "Players" make their own decisions on where they want to be. I think you'll find that the majority want to be where the most players are

Right. Moreover, with a good plane set for each arena everyone wont go only in LW.
"And one of the finest aircraft I ever flew was the Macchi C.205. Oh, beautiful. And here you had the perfect combination of italian styling and german engineering .... it really was a delight to fly ... and we did tests on it and were most impressed." - Captain Eric Brown

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #94 on: September 30, 2006, 01:23:48 PM »
so shawk... you don't like it when people generalize about you?

You do realize tho that the hours you play are recorded with all your other stats?   "3 or 4 hours a day" is a bunch...

And...  I have met a lot more than 40 players here.

Don't worry about the BK's we are doing fine... enjoying the game more than ever.

If you have never switched countries then you can't possibly get a feel for the community.  you are kidding yourself.   It really is that simple.

I don't know if anyone has a "personal vendetta" against you or not.  I personaly couldn't care less about you..  You rank is silly and meaningless to me.   All that matters to me about the people here is the content of the fight I am in with them.   I have been vultched and I have lost good fights.  guess which ones are memerable?

I have 17k posts.. most all in the Oclub... guys are a lot less womanly in there.   the posts are simple.... takes me only a few seconds.... they are the accumulation of years.   probly takes you longer to read one than it does for me to write one.   and..... you seem to read every one on this board.... I don't...  I havent read a one for months at a time here...

you probly have more time on these boards than I do... add that to your "3 or 4 hours a day" of playing and......

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Offline bkbandit

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« Reply #95 on: September 30, 2006, 07:52:19 PM »
IM sorry but why did it change again? I liked it in the begining, the different rooms where cool, but now im almost forced into LWA to get a fight, unless i feel like milkrunning. It didnt kill the hord and i dont see any improvement in the community. Complaining and kill stealing are up, i closed in on a 110 yesterday i was less then 200 on him, and another friendly cuts right in front of me, then later i attack a lac with another green we were levelboth on his six maybe 100 feet apart side by side, he pings it and dives i sat my guns right on him(the lac wasnt shooting, and what the hell it was a single) i poped it and he starts btichin that i stole his kill, mean well i have riped wings off of spits just to watch them fall and watch greens take passes at him until he hits the ground, i dont say a word. Yea now i have flown with guys i have only fought agaisnt and thats nice, a vacation from nik la7 and spit16 was really nice, but now im forced into the lwa.

If theres goin to be 50 lwa's why bother, now the cap is higher and theres even less in the other rooms, last week i was in mwa, there was 1 rook and 3 nites. Before the prob was the holes in the roster now its just the lack of players in the ewa and mwa. I rather see the old style m/a, but  with more of the late war planes perked, or with weekly plane sets, somethin to get more mix of fighters and bombers in there. Shawk got it right, regardless the pplane set people want to be where the numbers are.

Offline Stang

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The best part of the game is now history
« Reply #96 on: September 30, 2006, 10:40:38 PM »
And he has a mullet!


Offline bkbandit

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« Reply #97 on: September 30, 2006, 11:37:09 PM »
shawk has a mullet? wait does he drive a iroc or a trans am?

the sad part is that i have a iroc:rofl


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« Reply #98 on: October 01, 2006, 12:41:32 AM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK

Im giving it a chance but I have to say so far alot of the fun factor just doesnt seem to be there.
Its like the arenas are missing something. That...Thing.
Its hard to place an exact finger on it but something vital just isnt there anymore.

It feels like the game is for lack of a better term Dying. Though my love for it is still strong and I want to play.

but when I get there. reguardless of arena or how full it is

It feels like its missing a certain energy an aura a certain magic it had under the old setup.

Like I said. its hard to place an exact finger on exactly what it is.
Its somethign you more sense and feel. Kinda like when you go to a professional sporting event between two rivals and enter the stadium. You can just FEEL the energy flowing as soon as you enter the seating area

You just dont sense and feel that when you enter the arenas now

Energy, aura, eclectrifying charge. I dont know.
when you entered the MA before you could amost feel the charge int he air. the exitement
 It just isnt there under the new setups.

As aggrivating as it was sometimes before.
 I liked the old way alot better

This sums up the way  i have been feeling...outstanding post!:aok

Offline SHawk

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« Reply #99 on: October 01, 2006, 01:12:31 AM »
Originally posted by Stang
And he has a mullet!


WHO DEY!! <<--My Favorite Band

If it takes full power to taxi to the hanger, your gear is probably up.

Offline Traveler

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Drediock, said it best.
« Reply #100 on: October 01, 2006, 01:26:05 AM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK

"Im giving it a chance but I have to say so far alot of the fun factor just doesnt seem to be there.
Its like the arenas are missing something. That...Thing.
Its hard to place an exact finger on it but something vital just isnt there anymore.

It feels like the game is for lack of a better term Dying. Though my love for it is still strong and I want to play.

but when I get there. reguardless of arena or how full it is

It feels like its missing a certain energy an aura a certain magic it had under the old setup.

Like I said. its hard to place an exact finger on exactly what it is.
Its somethign you more sense and feel. Kinda like when you go to a professional sporting event between two rivals and enter the stadium. You can just FEEL the energy flowing as soon as you enter the seating area

You just dont sense and feel that when you enter the arenas now

Energy, aura, eclectrifying charge. I dont know.
when you entered the MA before you could amost feel the charge int he air. the exitement
It just isnt there under the new setups.

As aggrivating as it was sometimes before.
I liked the old way alot better "

I've been giving it a chance and there are parts I like and parts I don't like.  I noticed that the CAP which was originally set at 250 has been lifted to over 300.  the Late War arena is much like the old main arena except for this CAP and the spawing thing.   I do like and enjoy the plane limits in the Early Arena and Mid-war arena.  I think if they just stoped the spawing thing, and opened the Late war arena to as many as wanted to play there, well,  everyone would be happy.  But perhaps there is a technical reason that they need to set a cap limit .  I"m sure that HTC is gearing up for the Holliday season and expectiing many new customers after Christmas.  Perhaps this new arena set up is the only way HTC can handle the expected load on the servers.  But I agree with Drediock, there does appear to be something missing.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2006, 01:30:58 AM by Traveler »
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Offline jtdragon

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« Reply #101 on: October 01, 2006, 07:58:16 AM »
With the 350 cap the play was far better, could be in TT some then go to another part of the map for flying or helping buddies out. I think we see where alot of us want to play, LA. Both nights its over 3 to 1 for LA. have not tried it during the day yet but will today, I do now believe there is a place for all 3 arenas, EA for newdies to learn in and MA for the ones who don't like my LA's (only A/C I can get a kill in).

I did switch sides for  awhile the last two nights and had fun, found that all that play GV's welcome anyone fron the other side and had fun shoot up some of my buddies.

I do think all our post have had effect getting the changes, all of you who have called us cry babies better under stand that change does not happen unless you say something about what you don't like.

Offline hitech

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« Reply #102 on: October 01, 2006, 08:35:03 AM »
jtdragon: Posting what you dislike, and being a cry baby are miles appart.

And if your realy look at post that are written like cry babies, vs post simply stating that someone dosn't like somthing and why.You can see how they are responded to totaly differently.

Cry babie post, (Basicly they are just flame bate) are either deleted by us, or just ignored.

Post stating I do not like it, and why. Can acctualy be considered.

Take your post,

1. You stated your conclusion.
With the 350 cap the play was far better

2. You listed why you concluded so.
could be in TT some then go to another part of the map for flying or helping buddies out. I think we see where alot of us want to play.

3. You then almost crossed the line with this.
all of you who have called us cry babies better under stand that change does not happen unless you say something about what you don't like.

The problem of "called us" vs "called the people who realy were cry babies" can just begin a flame war.


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« Reply #103 on: October 01, 2006, 10:35:33 AM »
Will watch myself. Thanks HT