Flyboy, next time you see me in TA, ask me about landing and ill show you.
Planes that are easy to land (and i recommend practicing in those first) are teh P38, the Hurricane Mk2 or the FM2.
The most important thing for landing is SLOW and SHALLOW. Touchdown speed just above stall speed, for most planes thats 90-110 mph.
Line up on the runway from far enough out, that gives you room to make corrections of speed and altitude. Get to about 1000 feet above ground (check for the filed altitude on the map!) and throttle to idle to slow down. As soon as youre below 200 mph, drop your gear (G) and flaps (Q). That will help you slow down further and the flaps also add lift and help keeping your nose high on landing.
Dont aim for the runway. If you do, youre going to hit it, hard

. Aim for the far end of the runway. Make sure your speed is below 120 mph and your descent rate is below 1000 feet/min (on the gauge the needle should be between 0 and -1). Keep your
nose high with the Joystick and control your descent rate with the throttle (add a little if youre too slow/drop too fast). Just before your wheels touch the ground, add a little throttle to "flare".
When youre down, let the plane roll for a bit and slow down, then lock the tailwheel and use wheelbrakes (spacebar) to come to a stop.