Pulled 18 hours days for nearly a month. A casket company burned, and the electrical contracting company I worked for had a cost plus contract from the insurance company. Four hours of sleep and a 45 minute one way commute. So I had a 1/2 hour for a shower and breakfast, we got a 20 minute break every 3 hours, plus a 1/2 hour for meals (brought to us). I was about 20 years or so old I think, I could never do it today. We finished on a Thursday, ahead of schedule, and I got Friday off with pay (12 hours of pay no less). I got home Thursday night, and slept until Sunday afternoon. I went out to eat, came home, and went back to bed.
We were getting triple time pay from 60 hours on every week (we got 1.5x after 40), I have no idea how much I made (I can't remember what I made that far back, maybe $10 an hour base) but it was a bunch. I think I paid more in taxes than I normally grossed.
I got nothing but gravy assignments for the next month, mostly government contracts. It was a great company to work for, but I didn't care much for being an electrician after a while, and I didn't like the seasonal constrution schedule. I worked all year, but it was often too busy in the good weather months to do what I wanted to do.