Pyro, thank you for your reply & query.
I don't think I understand exactly what selections are appropriate, so I may not doing something right. I was hopeful that someone would patiently explain the correct way to do it, but failing that I'll describe the multiple wrong ways to do it that I encountered ... (sigh)
I go to "Offline" -> "Setup" -> "Joy Stick" (I visited the "Stick Mapping" screen, as well, but it does not seem to apply here). I then click on "Select Joystick", which leads me to a window with three columns to choose from. In the center column I see my "Logitech WingMan Extreme Digital 3D (USB)" listed first, and then my "CH Pro Pedals USB" (I also have a third controller listed, "RealFlight_Controller", which is attached to my gameport for my R/C flight simulator).
I then select "Rudder" under the first column ("AH Input"), and "Throttle" under the third column ("Joystick Input"). In the middle column, "Joystick", I've tried it with both the CH Pro Pedals (my understanding of what you said to do) & the Logitech, neither seems to work. I've also tried "Rudder" in the third column and CH Pro Pedals in the middle column, still no joy.

I know you're busy (hopefully feverishly working on the P-38J, J-25, and L

), but if you don't mind please describe the appropriate selections I should pick out of the three columns. I tried using the two that you mentioned in combination with the two USB controllers listed in the center column. If I knew precisely which screen and which selections on that screen were correct, I could then experiment with other combinations, to include last ditch attempts such as removing the RealFlight Controller.
(FWIW, the CH USB Pro Pedals appear to work properly in the Windows 98 Game Controllers program, with both the rudder and toe brakes functioning.)
Thanx again,