I don't understand the complaints about not being able to find squad members. Granted, it's alot different than before the change, but with co's, email, in game vox, squad page on the bb's, and the cross arena pm's all you have to do is set a time and place.
I was in one of the mega-squads for a while, and we had monday nights at 8pm eastern scheduled as squad night. Why couldn't the squad members come up with a time/day/arena to meet in? If i were a CO i would pick EW or MW since they usually have the lowest numbers and you could get your whole squad (all 96 members) in, then figure out from there where you are going to fight for the night. Maybe from 8pm-8:15pm everyone gets together in the EWA , then the CO's say where to go, or stay.
And in all honesty, with the new change, even with the old arena, there's no reason for a 96 man squad. I mean 10 bomber pilots = 30 bombers, + 20 fighters + 2 goons = 32 man squad (Or whatever configuration you like). And i know that alot of guys don't like the idea of switching sides, but imagine one wing of 32 as the attackers, and another wing of 32 defending. Maybe the 3rd wing would be divided amoung the two making it 48vs48. I honestly doubt that your ever going to get all 96 guys on at the same time, but you get the point.
The game is supposed to be fun, and there's nothing more fun than killing/being killed by squaddies, then cursing eachother and laughing afterwords.