Author Topic: In Pearl Harbor why do the IJN have the A6M5?  (Read 8522 times)

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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In Pearl Harbor why do the IJN have the A6M5?
« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2006, 11:13:45 PM »
The A6M5b is faster too.  Climbs better.  And whether or not it was a feature of the plane IRL, it will stay right with any allied plane in a dive without coming apart, and without freezing up the controls.

And of course it still turns like the Zero it is at slow speeds.

Offline Nutzoid

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In Pearl Harbor why do the IJN have the A6M5?
« Reply #31 on: November 02, 2006, 11:55:36 PM »
Originally posted by Brooke
Just sent out the following.

ROC, is there anyone we need to notify to reserve the Special-Events Arena for that time?

Hello, all.

My apologies.  The previously announced time for this test session was already taken.

We will have the Pearl Harbor pre-beta test in the Special Events Arena.  It will be Saturday, November 4, at 3 pm Eastern Standard Time, noon Pacific, 8 pm UK time, 10 pm Finland time.

Again, the more who show up, the better the test will be.  I hope all of you can show up.  We will run an approximation of day 1 of the Pearl Harbor scenario to test out various play-balance settings (such as seeing if we should have any a6m5's in the mix of aircraft).

Best regards,

-- Brooke
And 2pm Central:D
C co. 1st Bn 7 CAV 1st Cav Div  " Garry Owen"

Offline straffo

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In Pearl Harbor why do the IJN have the A6M5?
« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2006, 05:18:34 AM »
Originally posted by StarOfAfrica2
The A6M5b is faster too.  Climbs better.  And whether or not it was a feature of the plane IRL, it will stay right with any allied plane in a dive without coming apart, and without freezing up the controls.

Are you sure of this ?

I was on the IJN side during Rangoon and I was never able to catch a single US plane.

Offline culero

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In Pearl Harbor why do the IJN have the A6M5?
« Reply #33 on: November 03, 2006, 06:19:51 AM »
Originally posted by EagleEyes
But now seeing Americans get the F4F and stuff, i can agree that the IJN should get the Late model.

Actually, if this thing is set up properly, US will have relatively few F4F, especially in Frame One where they should be only a token presence. This shouldn't be a determining factor.

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Offline Skyfoxx

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In Pearl Harbor why do the IJN have the A6M5?
« Reply #34 on: November 03, 2006, 07:22:26 AM »
Originally posted by daddog
Each test could come out with very different outcomes negating each end result. Granted the Americans have some late model versions, but the A6M5 just seems to subtract from the event IMHO.


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Offline StarOfAfrica2

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In Pearl Harbor why do the IJN have the A6M5?
« Reply #35 on: November 03, 2006, 10:52:59 AM »
Originally posted by straffo
Are you sure of this ?

I was on the IJN side during Rangoon and I was never able to catch a single US plane.

Brooke assures me this is no longer the case, but I was able to make it work before.  If Brooke's observations are correct, then I have no objection to the A6M5.

Offline indy007

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In Pearl Harbor why do the IJN have the A6M5?
« Reply #36 on: November 03, 2006, 03:12:06 PM »
A6m5 is 25mph faster almost across the board. Only @ 15k does this reverse, and it's a very small alt window. The climb rate is almost 500fpm faster @ any alt.

The a6m5 has double the cannon firing time, and quite a bit more 1-second burst leathality.

A6m5 takes 28.8 secs to 250mph. The A6m2 takes 41 seconds.

The a6m2 turns significantly better both with & w/o flaps.

The only thing an a6m2 can do to an a6m5 is out turn it, the a6m5 wins in every other category.

Now, I haven't gotten crazy in an a6m2 lately... but my favorite ride in the entire game is the a6m5b (so I know a little how it handles), and once you're starting to get around 350mph, the controls become so heavy you can barely maneuver. In a dive pretty much everything can either escape, or make a high speed break and get a better position while the controls are barely responding and you have no option but to pull hard and pray you don't lose too many angles when it forces you from lead to lag pursuit.

Offline Easyscor

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In Pearl Harbor why do the IJN have the A6M5?
« Reply #37 on: November 03, 2006, 03:55:54 PM »
Its also better armored.
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Offline Ball

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In Pearl Harbor why do the IJN have the A6M5?
« Reply #38 on: November 04, 2006, 04:28:44 AM »
i cant believe you are getting so worked up about the a6m5 as if it is some sort of wonderplane.

a well flown f4f will eat it alive, just like it does the a6m2.  If the fight gets close in, an a6m5 will be easier to kill than the a6m2.

Offline ROC

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In Pearl Harbor why do the IJN have the A6M5?
« Reply #39 on: November 04, 2006, 10:40:27 AM »
As these plane balances are tested today, I hope people remember that Both sides get to fly both With and Against the Zekes.

So it's not like One side will dominate due to anything other than their own abilities.
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline zorstorer

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In Pearl Harbor why do the IJN have the A6M5?
« Reply #40 on: November 04, 2006, 11:57:53 AM »
Originally posted by ROC
As these plane balances are tested today, I hope people remember that Both sides get to fly both With and Against the Zekes.

So it's not like One side will dominate due to anything other than their own abilities.

That's what I don't get.  Unless team Zeke is getting paid off from one team or another, we are fighting both sides, just one at a time.

Oh and about the bribes, cash only please :aok

Offline ROC

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In Pearl Harbor why do the IJN have the A6M5?
« Reply #41 on: November 04, 2006, 12:14:05 PM »
hehe Zors, bribes work :)

Here's the reasoning behind the Team Zeke concept.

The IJN had the larger force.  The event would be a joke for the US side if we tried to keep it historically accurate.  Who would sign up with a handful of planes that couldn't launch until they were under attack, that sort of thing.

So the side switch happened.  Change sides, both sides get a chance to defend and attack.  

The numbers being lopsided on the initial IJN side though would leave the sides unbalanced.  How do you have 100 US and 150 IJN switch sides?  Now the IJN side is 100 and there are 150 US players.  

Thats not really rerunning the event as a true side switch, putting the same conditions on each side so the teams could win on their own strategy.

So Team Zeke.  Pull 50 players into Team Zeke, and they fly the Zekes.  Team Alpha and Team Beta are evenly divided, and have the primary task of inflicting damage on the bases and CVs.  The Zekes are there to shoot things down, kinda whatever is flying that isn't green.

So essentially, yes, team zeke is fighting both sides, supporting the IJN Team they are on at the time.
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline Easyscor

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In Pearl Harbor why do the IJN have the A6M5?
« Reply #42 on: November 04, 2006, 07:31:42 PM »
Originally posted by zorstorer
That's what I don't get.   we are fighting both sides, just one at a time.
If the zeke5 wipes out the US, no one will want to fly US those frames, that's no good but at least with the zeke2, it's more accurate historically.  Remember, you cant judge a setup without looking at everything as a package, the terrain, the arena settings, planeset, player numbers, lives, and aircraft allocations. Something as simple, and possibly unforeseen as where the battles takes place on a terrain can unbalance an event design. My philosophy is to always start with the terrain and planeset and then balance with the arena setup, player lives/allocation and rules restrictions. Changing the planeset is something I wont do except to fill holes in AH, because IMO its not needed and it should be an accurate recreation of history and balance can be achieved in other ways. For instance, firing off some portion of the nose and tail ammo on the B-17s might be needed it you leave them in this setup.

You might ask if I ever put in a plane that didnt belong? Yep, but it wasnt my idea, and the choice was how to fill a hole in the planeset and keep a frame people wanted to fly.
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Offline zorstorer

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In Pearl Harbor why do the IJN have the A6M5?
« Reply #43 on: November 04, 2006, 08:04:32 PM »
Originally posted by Easyscor
If the zeke5 wipes out the US, no one will want to fly US those frames, that's no good but at least with the zeke2, it's more accurate historically.  Remember, you cant judge a setup without looking at everything as a package, the terrain, the arena settings, planeset, player numbers, lives, and aircraft allocations. Something as simple, and possibly unforeseen as where the battles takes place on a terrain can unbalance an event design. My philosophy is to always start with the terrain and planeset and then balance with the arena setup, player lives/allocation and rules restrictions. Changing the planeset is something I wont do except to fill holes in AH, because IMO its not needed and it should be an accurate recreation of history and balance can be achieved in other ways. For instance, firing off some portion of the nose and tail ammo on the B-17s might be needed it you leave them in this setup.

You might ask if I ever put in a plane that didnt belong? Yep, but it wasnt my idea, and the choice was how to fill a hole in the planeset and keep a frame people wanted to fly.

Don't get me wrong, I have huge respect for all levels involved in putting together scenarios and running them.  I will fly what ever I get and will enjoy myself all the while :)  Hell with the Finns taking up alot of the spots in team zeke I doubt I would get a A6M5b anyway ;)

Offline Easyscor

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In Pearl Harbor why do the IJN have the A6M5?
« Reply #44 on: November 05, 2006, 02:14:02 AM »
Right zorstorer, I'm onboard with whatever they come up with. I'm saying it isn't what I and some others expected knowing the planeset and history, and I'd handle it a different way.  Lets see what this afternoons Beta test showed. Oops it's after midnight now, that was yesterday.
Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001