hehe Zors, bribes work

Here's the reasoning behind the Team Zeke concept.
The IJN had the larger force. The event would be a joke for the US side if we tried to keep it historically accurate. Who would sign up with a handful of planes that couldn't launch until they were under attack, that sort of thing.
So the side switch happened. Change sides, both sides get a chance to defend and attack.
The numbers being lopsided on the initial IJN side though would leave the sides unbalanced. How do you have 100 US and 150 IJN switch sides? Now the IJN side is 100 and there are 150 US players.
Thats not really rerunning the event as a true side switch, putting the same conditions on each side so the teams could win on their own strategy.
So Team Zeke. Pull 50 players into Team Zeke, and they fly the Zekes. Team Alpha and Team Beta are evenly divided, and have the primary task of inflicting damage on the bases and CVs. The Zekes are there to shoot things down, kinda whatever is flying that isn't green.
So essentially, yes, team zeke is fighting both sides, supporting the IJN Team they are on at the time.