Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
Apples and oranges, and you know it.
Gitmo detainees: captured on the field of battle while not wearing the uniform of a legal combatant.
Pilots in brazil: surviving parties of an accident under investigation.
Exactly. I can't believe you other guys are trying to compare this situation to Gitmo.
Brazil's ridiculous investigation could take 2 years or more. Overwhelming evidence that exonerates these American pilots is now available. It's time to send the American pilots home.
If the tables were turned around--Brazilian pilots involved in an American accident--and information was found that exonerates them, I'd be all for releasing the Brazilian pilots, as well. (whatever, Fishu!

I'm not happy with the Bush Administration's policies, either. If you don't like the way he's handling things, go ***** about it on another thread, not this one.