Author Topic: Strange crashing problems..  (Read 503 times)

Offline Mork

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Strange crashing problems..
« on: September 11, 2001, 05:09:00 PM »
The problem I have been having is as follows:  I launch Aces high, with Roger Wilco enabled.  It does not matter if I launch RW manually first, or just let AH start it for me, the problem occurs in both cases.  I play the game, and everything works fine.  When I quit back to windows, something bad has happened that:  
a) causes Aces High (and seemingly ANY game that uses directx) to crash when I try to run it.  (the crash occurs at a specific memory location each time, call it x).

b) causes me to get a blue screen of death crash, at the same address 'x' that occurs when I try to run a directX app.

I disabled Roger Wilco, and the problem goes away, so it's definitely got something to do with that.  Someone in the MA told me that he'd heard about other people having a similar problem, but he did not know what the solution might be.  Does anyone have any ideas?


Offline Lephturn

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Strange crashing problems..
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2001, 07:59:00 AM »
Yep, Roger Wilco and DX8 don't get along very well.

Try setting Roger Wilco to use "wav" recording.  It will cause problems when set to use "direct sound" recording.