Author Topic: trouble continues...  (Read 1012 times)

Offline FDutchmn

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trouble continues...
« on: June 10, 2001, 01:26:00 AM »
Hiya y'all!

I want to be cheerful but... I am still running into problems.

After getting suggestions on my post about 10 messages below, I went out and bought meself a fan for the chip on my GeForce 2 MX and two fans for the box (one for intake and one for exhaust... yeah, yeah, i am over doing it...) and two temperature gauges which runs independent of the computer, one for the CPU and the other for the graphics card.

I can verify now that the temperature is as follows:
CPU (when not in 3D, ie windows desktop) 38 C (100.4 F)
CPU (when in 3D, ie running AH) 50 C (122 F)
Video card (when not in 3D, ie windows desktop) 41 C (105.8F)
Video card (when in 3D, ie running AH) 41 C (105.8F)

The sensor for the Video card is embedded under the heat sink together with silicon grease so it should be more or less accurate.  For the CPU it is just taped on the side of the heat sink so it might be lower than it actually is.

Now, then did it work... no.  It still locks up after a few minutes into playing.

On suggestion of interrupts I found my computer to be in the following configuration:
IRQ 0: System Timer
IRQ 1: Keyboard
IRQ 2: Programmable Interupt controller
IRQ 3: Communications Port (COM2)
IRQ 4: DMA Controller, Communications Port (COM1)
IRQ 5: NVIDIA GeForce 2 MX/MX 400
IRQ 6: Standard Floppy Disk Controller
IRQ 7: Printer Port (LPT1)
IRQ 8: System CMOS/Real time clock
IRQ 9: Creative SB Live! Value
IRQ 10: SCI IRQ used by ACPI (under system device), Realtek RTL8029(AS) PCI Ethernet Adapter, VIA Tech 3038 PCI to USB Universal Host Controller, VIA Tech 3038 PCI to USB Universal Host Controller
IRQ 11:
IRQ 12: PS/2 Compatible mouse port
IRQ 13: numeric data processor
IRQ 14: VIA Bus Master PCI IDE Controller, Primary IDE Controller (Dual FIFO)
IRQ 15: VIA Bus Master PCI IDE Controller, Secondary IDE Controller (Dual FIFO)

I am surprised to find that I didn't find anything for IRQ11 while a whole list exist on IRQ10.  Somehow, IRQ4 kind of concerns me...

I tried disabling the UBS controller on IRQ10 but it did not work.

Is there anything else I can do?  If anyone can help me with this problem I would be extremely grateful...

Flying Dutchman

I am pasting the previous post I posted below for reference.

=====START HERE=====
Hiya Y'all!!
Ok, I need some serious help with getting my hardware setup so I can play AH...

Just like Greebo, I decided to retire my old old AMD-K6 200, and bought me self a new machine. However, for the last month, I have been re-installing Windows, drivers, AH repeatedly to make it work, but all I get are Hangs and Freezes everytime (after 5 to 10mins usually, online or offline).

Here are the specs for me machine:

Motherboard:Aopen AK73Pro
CPU: AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1GHz
RAM: 192MB
Soundcard: SoundBlaster Live! Value
Videocard: Gainward Cardexpert GeForce 2 MX
OS: Windows Millenium (Japanese Version) with Dx8.0a

Motherboard: VIA 4:1 v4.31 (installed in standard mode)
Sound: Soundblaster LiveWare for WinME (from  
Video: Win98_Me(7.78) (from  

LAN board: Realtek RTL8029(AS) PCI Ethernet adapter compatible
USB Controller (with 2nd keyboard attached)
CDROM: NEC DV-5700B compatible
Joystick: TM F22Pro/WCS(analog)/RCS

What I tried:
Performance settings on the Display Property
Performance settings on the Expert Tool: (Core Clock, Memory Clock settings)
BIOS AGPX4 settings
Physical positions of the soundcard (changed PCI slots, IRQ changed)
disabled z-buffer on the video.cfg file
different versions of the drivers mentioned above and the a lot of the combinations
tried installing Win95, Win98 however with similar results...

I tried using the onboard soundcard, SoundMAX, but the sounds seem to disappear sometimes. I also tried using a PCI Videocard, Gainward Cardexpert SG4 Pro (32MB). AH was stable, but online the frame rate was a disaster. This is leading me to believe that I need to do something with the graphics settings

I have also found on the FAQ about this same problem but the workaround provided did not allow me to alleviate my problem.

I have been sitting in front of me machine for the past month with cob webs forming around me and me wife is getting jealous... she is about to get a sledge hammer and about to hammer me and me me machine into bits.. well maybe that is the solution to me headache...

Please help me... I haven't been able to fly for a month now...

Flying Dutchman
=====END HERE=====

Offline bigUC

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« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2001, 10:57:00 AM »
Hi! U could try to disable com ports and/or lpt port in bios (set to disable if u don't need em) to free up irq's.  Also try to post your problems to  
the forums at  - I've always gotten help there...
Kurt is winking at U!

Offline bloom25

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« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2001, 02:25:00 PM »
Well, the heat seems ok.  How many watts is your power supply rated for?  These are two independant things.  My guess is still that you have a <250W power supply in your computer.

Also, your Ethernet card and USB controller are sharing the same interupt.  If you are using a USB controller this could be bad.

Offline Tilt

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« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2001, 07:17:00 AM »
What happens when you set the AGP to x 2 in the Bios?


Noting you VIA stuff in spades.
Ludere Vincere

Offline FDutchmn

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« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2001, 09:49:00 AM »
Finally I think I solved my problem...

It was a combination of a whole lots of things....

1. On suggestion of going to the forum at VIAHARDWARE, I found a new driver for the AGP slot... 4.05c, once I started using this driver, the CPU cooled down at least 2C.

2. On suggestions of heat, I went out and bought another cooler/heat sink for my AMD Athlon 1GHz.  The new one is good for 1.4GHz.  Cooled down another 5C.

3. Power supply was 300W as it says on the label.  I have no way to confirm this.

Now, I am using RW and Soundblaster Live and AH disconnects or crashes once in about two hours compared to 3 mins.  This will get me up flying for a while  :)... I hope...

Flying Dutchman

Offline FDutchmn

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« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2001, 09:51:00 AM »
oh btw, the side panel of the PC case is off!  it cools better that way

Flying Dutchman

Offline FDutchmn

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« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2001, 07:58:00 PM »
Hiya all!

Just to wrap up my problems and what I did...

1. On Heat problems - when this machine was just with the CPU cooler, things must have gotten real hot.  I added two case fans, one small cpu cooler for GeForce2MX card, and replaced the main cpu cooler to one capable for AMD Athlon 1.4GHz (when mine is 1GHz).  I haven't been able to put the side panel back on for fear of over heating.... hehehe so what's the use for the case fans I bought.  Currently, the CPU is running at about 33C when in 2D mode, it gets to just about 40C when in 3D mode (APG 1X).  The GeForce2MX is running about 38C in 2D mode, and about 40C when in 3D mode.

2. Drivers are:
Motherboard: VIA 4:1 v4.31 (installed in standard mode)
AGP GART 4.05c (from
IRQ Routing (from  - might be redundunt to the 4:1 driver)
686B Bug Fix v1.0 (from  - might be redundunt to the 4:1 driver)
Sound: Soundblaster LiveWare for WinME (from  
Video: Win98_Me(7.78) (from  

3. Power supply - label says 300W

4. Others/comments:
a. tried installing AGP at 4X, 2X, and 1X - result: only 1X is stable.
b. using DirectX8.0a English version seems more stable than Japanese version.
c. there are some problems left.  
1. AH fails to start up properly some times.  Right after I double click on the AH icon, the screen turns white, and stays white... machine locks up, happens only when connected to the Internet)
2. AH still locks up when online but after a about 2hours of playing... by then I feel like logging...  :)

well, that's it!  I think I can play AH decently now  :))

Thanks for all the help everyone!!

<SALUTE!>  Cya in the skies!

Flying Dutchman

Offline WhiteHawk

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« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2001, 01:49:00 AM »
I also had big freeze probs whith AMD\Ge
Force 2 MX\Aces high combo.  Worked fine with my Voodoo3, but the Ge Force 2 MX
freezes bad.  
  Not a puter techie by any means but,
heres what I did.  Got a 300w power supply,
If you bought a compaq, they put in the cheapest POS they can get away with.
  Mine was 250w.
  Went to AMD website and downloaded latest
  Downloaded the 4 in 1 drivers at the VIA
site,and ran in normal mode (1x).
  reinstalled the AH base program.
Not a single freeze since.
  My puter did fine in all my other sims
with the Geforce 2 MX, but had a tuff time
shaking hands with AH? Good luck.

Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2001, 06:32:00 AM »
If you are running Roger Wilco, ensure it is set to use "wav recording" mode to avoid problems.  If you are still getting lockups, disable or remove RW and test again.  I've given up using it, as it causes me occasional problem in an otherwise ROCK STEADY system.

Offline FDutchmn

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« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2001, 06:44:00 AM »
I forgot to add...

1. I also used the updated driver at the website for AMD.  file name : amddrvpk_120.exe

2. I have also updated my BIOS to the latest one : ak110.exe (i think this was the file name)

3. I also try not to use RW (although, I want to...)

well that's it for now!


Flying Dutchman

Offline Goner

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« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2001, 03:05:00 AM »
1. I also used the updated driver at the website for AMD.  file name : amddrvpk_120.exe

i'm a bit puzzled ; in a previous post you said you installed VIA drivers ?
which chipset are you using ?? it's either AMD or VIA, not both i think ...


Offline FDutchmn

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« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2001, 05:18:00 AM »
<S> Goner

Ya right I am confused myself.  It was a desperate attempt to make sure that I had all that I needed.  I knew before that they had patches out for AMD CPUs.  I was not sure if I really needed it.  Anyway, the installer told me that there was nothing to update :P (i am not very computer literate  :))

Flying Dutchman

Offline Goner

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« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2001, 07:57:00 AM »
It was a desperate attempt to make sure that I had all that I needed.

hehe, i know the feeling ...  ;-)

I knew before that they had patches out for AMD CPUs.

not for their CPU's, only for their chipsets ...
