Author Topic: P-38 Controll Poll  (Read 344 times)

Offline Cuber

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P-38 Controll Poll
« on: November 17, 2006, 12:09:14 PM »
How many of you P-38 Jocks fly with the CH Yoke and Throttle
Quad ?
I've got them......should I use them or the CH Combat Stick and
Pro Throttle ?

While I'm in the mood.....How in the Heck did the P-38 pilots
do all that trimming , power managment , with one hand on
the yoke and trying to keep on top of situation while in a fur ball ?

I really stepped on my dinky this year. Without thinking I let
a P-38 pilot leave this world without picking his mind.
He and I were members of the local conservation club. He passed away
last June. He was a POW also. He had never stepped onto a plane
after WWII untill his kids got him to fly down south 5 or so years ago.
I talked to him alot about the flight......He was scared s-itless to get
on that plane.


Offline 1895

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P-38 Controll Poll
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2006, 01:58:19 PM »
Its Hectic. How did they? I don't know i've tried and its bloody hard, looking around with TrackIR, even with my trim buttons on the JY its hard

Offline Murdr

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P-38 Controll Poll
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2006, 03:08:25 PM »
I use CH fighterstick and pro throttle.  I have the finger buttons on the pro thottle set up to select engine 1, engine 2, or both.  So any single engine adjustments are litterally at my fingertips.

Offline Cuber

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« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2006, 04:19:37 PM »
Thanks guys. So I'm guessing that there is no independant
throttle controlls for dual engines making the use of the throttle
quad a no go.  
Too bad.....I've read about some neat throttle moves in the P-38.
Murdr.....I don't understand your seperate  engine adjustmenys on the
pro throttle. Hummmmm.......can the Quad be set up for dual engines????

I have a P-38 addon for FS9 and I can use the Quad. Haven't tried
and fancy stuff yet.


Offline Murdr

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P-38 Controll Poll
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2006, 05:44:06 PM »
In the game mapping you can select individual engines (shift_1 for select engine 1 for example).  On my CH Pro throttle I have the left finger button for selecting left engine, the right for the right, and the center button for select both.

So, if I am running both engines at military power, and I press the button for the left engine, and change the throttle, or RPM settings, or press E...only the left engine is affected.  The right engine stays at military power.  

And yes, AH controler mapping is very flexible.  You can set a quad up for 4 engine operation, and the levers for engines 1 and 2 will still be the same for twin engine planes.

Offline Cuber

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P-38 Controll Poll
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2006, 06:22:45 PM »
I'm starting to get the drift here.
I could set up Stick Set 2 as Quad , Combat stick & pro peddles and
switch from stick set 1 to 2 in flight. stick set 1, pro
throttle , combat stick & peddles could be used for single engines
or just getting the 38 up and the set 2 for combat. Or something
like that.
WEW.....half the fun is setting things up. Got some re-mapping
to do.
