Author Topic: Silver F4u outline (like black spit outline)  (Read 254 times)

Offline Krusty

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Silver F4u outline (like black spit outline)
« on: November 20, 2006, 11:18:47 PM »
I remembered I'd taken screenshots that illustrated this the other day. I pulled them up and cropped them. These are unedited.

I was RTB, xMarine behind me. As he was closing in I noticed the silver outline on his f4u was appearing and disappearing as he got closer. I got a screenshot in between times it showed up.

Note that from the front it looks all-silver. From the top it is as if somebody selected only the f4u and chose an "inner glow around the outer edge" effect.

This is exactly like the "black spit outline" -- only it's white/silver, and it only shows on the new F4Us.

