Author Topic: Trouble with terrains  (Read 505 times)

Offline jdm3

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Trouble with terrains
« on: November 11, 2001, 08:19:00 PM »
I am having trouble with the drawing out of the terrains.  This appears to be a new problem with the islands map.  Terrains do not draw out all the way to the horizon,,not even close.  I took these screen shots to show what the problem is.


PC is PIII 800.  Running Win98se. 384 meg Ram.  ATI Radeon 32DDR, Connecting to the net VIA Cable modem.  Any Ideas?

Offline Pinner

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Trouble with terrains
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2001, 10:12:00 AM »
Not sure if this will help, but its worth a shot.

Try changing the visibility range. AH has 3 set levels of how far it draws stuff out, Short, Medium and Full.

To toggle them, use the following:
Shift-F1 for Full Visibility
Shift-F2 for Medium Visibility
Shift-F3 for Short Visibility
