Author Topic: For the Lock up challenged  (Read 459 times)

Offline Wingnut_0

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For the Lock up challenged
« on: August 16, 2000, 03:07:00 PM »
When I started playing this game, I was amazed as the level of lock up's that I was having.  At least once everytime I played I'd have a complete lock up and have to reboot.  I more often experienced this online, but on a few occasions I had this problem offline as well.

I checked the BB and followed the suggestions, I found no conflicts, no problems at all with my comp.  

I'm running an AMDK-6 350mhz, with the add on's of a SB X-gamer card, and a Voodoo3 2000.  I normally run the desktop at 800x600.

While running the game, I normally chose 800x600 also, and was always amazed at ppl saying the graphics were great, cause my cockpit graphics (words, etc) were always "fuzzy".  I started messing around with the in game display settings to alleviate my problems.  Voodoo cards must stay at 16 bit, I didn't touch the z buffer or other options.  But I did up my in game resolution to 1024x768.  

After doing this I was startled on how well I could read the cockpit graphics now..hehe.  And to date I've suffered no lock up's.  None at all.  

Now I thought this a weird solution, but for those having similar problems, anythings worth a try.  If I do encounter a lock up I'll be sure to post it.


Offline air_guard

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For the Lock up challenged
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2000, 07:44:00 AM »
well it didnt work for me   i was up to 1600*900 screen res then and bug still up.
back to 1024 and 768 again now .
but thanks for the tip anyway  
