I have the older,
non usb X36F Saitek stick. Maybe someone has already solved this problem -- how do I set it up so that I can fire primary and secondary weapons with two different buttons simultaneously?
I have the trigger set to Gameport 1. I have Fire A set to Gameport 2. In-game, I fire the trigger and primary fires, I fire FireA and the secondary fires, but if I try to depress both simultaneously the stick doesn't seem to send both inputs - whichever one I hit first locks out the other one.
So, is it simply not possible for the X36 to "chord" two gameport buttons together?
I've tried setting those stick buttons to send the keyboard equivalents for Fire Primary and Fire Secondary, and that sort of works. I get hit by the motherboard 250ms keypress delay before auto-repeating, and 250ms is a
long time on a snapshot