Problem with terrains that are based on real geographic regions is it is very rare/difficult to plan a 3 sided fight on it and it be fair for all sides. Look at Mindinao for example, whichever country is in the upper left corner has a distinct advantage of having the smallest front line.
A pizza map replication could be built, but I believe pizza map was 512x512, so it would not be accepted into the current arena setup. Also I could not make a MA map with desert tiles. I could give the ground sand textures, but it would probably not be accepted because I cannot edit the ground object tiles in MA maps (forest, trees, farms, etc). So in otherwords you would have green trees on a desert landscape.
The object editor could be used to build a giant squid... but skuzzy said no custom objects in MA maps.
A map like that one of Europe/Mid East would lose a lot of details. For a map like that I would only feel comfortable trying to build it using 512x512, but like I said before, only 256x256 will be accepted in the current MA setup. See this thread for a similar map conversion: you can see, cramming thousands of square miles into a 512x512 terrain loses lots of detail for the actual islands. You can only get a general idea of the islands by their shape ingame. It is good for getting a general sense of the war, yet no where near as detailed as terrains usually released by the CM Team.
I was 90% joking and 10% serious. Sudz, if you're serious about being serious if I'm serious, then I'm serious about being serious (and would be easier with an insider telling me what they want built)