Author Topic: Testing Capture system in LW orange today  (Read 37346 times)

Offline SlapShot

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #900 on: December 04, 2006, 07:35:57 PM »
so yes, you can assign blame to the hard is it to up a ostie or create a 5 player mission with some fighters to stop it being a undefended base?

LOL ... yeah ... when the overwhelming country comes flying in with 10 or more 110s you barely have enough time to launch and hopefully find the goon and then kill all the 110s. By the time you enter a mission into the mission planner and get 5 guys to join ... the capture would be over and done with. Nice try.

the main issue is, no one wants to defend, so Hitech has to defend bases for them..... that means more ack, and now forced lines of advance...hoping to get the two sides to meet... however we seem to now have A attacking B, B attacking C and C attacking A.... still very little defending going on... Soon we will have to have AI fighters.... sure thats fun...

Bollocks ... if you are a member of the overwhelming country, you have no problem defending fields ... usually 1 or 2 alert calls and you will get a handfull to respond and more than likely repell the attack.

The problem lies with the overwhelmed country, not with the overwhelming country. You probably fly with the country that has the most players and only look at it from that myopic viewpoint. If you flew for the country that is getting ganged ... you would sing a different tune.

When getting trounched ... most people here don't know whether to watermelon or wind their watch ... resources are spread all over the place and it's hard to muster 2 or 3 guys to defend per milk-run attack.

AHI only had a few acks per base, but whenever a call for defenders went out, people would UP and FIGHT. now, everyone sits there hoping the ack will do it for them.

Bollocks ... the situation in AH I was no different in AH II ... the country that is getting banged ALWAYS has/had a problem mustering enough people to defend at all the bases that are under attack ... on 2 fronts.

Quit trying to paint the picture to bolster your personal agenda. You speak with forked tongue ... :D

All the pissin and moanin in this thread is laughable at best ... if some would just spend a few minutes and read the "Flayed1 Can you do me a favor?" thread ... digest what has been discussed in that thread ... all your little nightmare just might go away and rather than keep screaming ... THERE IS A PROBLEM ... you just might try and help solve the problem. HT has opened the door to his office.

Years ago, when I first got into software development, I went into my boss's office telling him about a problem ... I was probably whining.

He told to to get the fluck out of his office and never come into his office again complaining about a problem ... he said ... "Come in with a solution to the problem".

If you don't offer solutions to a problem ... YOUR ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2006, 07:41:12 PM by SlapShot »
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline Edbert

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #901 on: December 04, 2006, 07:50:15 PM »
Originally posted by Overlag
[IMG]the first base would have probably been undefended. the 2nd was probably under-defended.... and from then on its a BLAST trying to hold on to what you have taken, or try to take more.... once people WAKE up to the full scale of an attack, they start counter attacking. thats where i had my fun on those maps....

If that is how it plays out then as long as it was not a pummeling of the weaker numbered side I am appreciative of the skill and tenacity of the takers. I've never said that these events NEVER transpired, but in my limited time online I witnessed a heavy and steady decline in the tenacity and will behind base captures over the last few years. In recent experience, once that first base attack met with resistance the attackers regrouped and hit elsewhere, if we went there to defend the attack again would vaporize only to pop up elsewhere. I enjoy a bloody pronounced attack or defense, so far I've seen more of that in LW-Orange than I have in several years.

I think Zazen has a good point, look at it as all the more satisfying now when you actually take one, I think some branches on the tree-o-blueline will help a bit, as long as they still concentrate the attention of the combatants into a secotor or 4.

A 512X512 map was simply too large, too many places for those who sought vitory via "the easist path possible", this usually meant taking bases that were to use Laurie's term "underdefended like Normandy" which is a eauphemism for undefended would, at least in the long term, be anethma to an online COMBAT sim.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2006, 07:54:09 PM by Edbert »

Offline Overlag

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« Reply #902 on: December 04, 2006, 08:03:11 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot

If you don't offer solutions to a problem ... YOUR ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.

ive posted loads of ideas (hitech is the only one that can turn our ideas into solutions)... however they get lost in 18pages of whines, and anti- whines.

the only reason a lot of you anti-whiners seem to think this idea was made was to stop milk running of undefended bases... but really? 1 base? wow big deal. if its so important, defend it, if you cant defend it, get over it, and  up to defend/cap the area.

the image i posted of how trinity used to work was a fantastic way to have some of the best fights I've had to attack there homeland, or defend my homeland. however all this has GONE...not even a slight hint of this is remaining. and that's why most of us have issues with this congo line of unimaginative ****. sooner or later theres going to be a random number generator that chooses what plane you fly, what fuel and what ammo load out..... wow what fun.
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline Overlag

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« Reply #903 on: December 04, 2006, 08:09:14 PM »
Originally posted by Edbert

A 512X512 map was simply too large, too many places for those who sought vitory via "the easist path possible", this usually meant taking bases that were to use Laurie's term "underdefended like Normandy" which is a eauphemism for undefended would, at least in the long term, be anethma to an online COMBAT sim.

a 512x512 map was fine with 700 players...... and that's why we moved to them. however with the loss of MA, we had to go back to those classic 256x256 maps from last decade, and since no new ones was made due tot he 512x512 only rule, AH had NO new 256maps for like 5 years..... hence this new "problem" hitech created now needed solving.

1 change, caused ALOT more issues than it solved, and that was caused by a lack of judgement, and a lack of understanding at what would happen..... but that's just my opinion and I'm warned about having that as if i was living in Iran or something.

(edit some comments self deleted :p)

;) :p
« Last Edit: December 04, 2006, 08:14:25 PM by Overlag »
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline Edbert

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« Reply #904 on: December 04, 2006, 08:18:21 PM »
Originally posted by Overlag
sure, its trying to be fixed up now... but it only needed fixing once it was broken.......may 9/13 forever last in living memory.....

I was gonna say that c04d is never actually broken, but quickly decided better. But I can say that it is never actually "fixed" either. See a software product is and should be in a constant state of flux, the only other option is to stagnate. This game has been "tweaked" (or fixed if you insist) well over 100 times over the years, I'm sure someone over at HTC knows the exact number of releases have been made over the years. But this constant evolution (fixes to previous errors for you pessimists out there) is what will keep AH and other releases by this crew alive and profitable for the future.

Offline Overlag

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« Reply #905 on: December 04, 2006, 08:28:49 PM »
Originally posted by Edbert
I was gonna say that c04d is never actually broken, but quickly decided better. But I can say that it is never actually "fixed" either. See a software product is and should be in a constant state of flux, the only other option is to stagnate. This game has been "tweaked" (or fixed if you insist) well over 100 times over the years, I'm sure someone over at HTC knows the exact number of releases have been made over the years. But this constant evolution (fixes to previous errors for you pessimists out there) is what will keep AH and other releases by this crew alive and profitable for the future.

adding or fixing bugs maybe

but removing features that creates more issues than it solves isnt very clever..... or is it??? I dunno.

all i know is that its been over 2 months now, and we still have 90% of players in LW, and we basically still have the same gameplay as before the change... only now theres less players around, so no one defends....everyone attacks.

limiting people to maybe 6-8 bases (3-4 per front) would have been good..... but 1?!?! what the hell?
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline pluck

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #906 on: December 04, 2006, 08:39:11 PM »
Originally posted by Overlag

the only reason a lot of you anti-whiners seem to think this idea was made was to stop milk running of undefended bases... but really? 1 base? wow big deal. if its so important, defend it, if you cant defend it, get over it, and  up to defend/cap the area.

i don't think any bases are important.  what i do think is important is the fight.  it's not the idea that we can't defend a base, we can.  the point is when you are outnumbered there is a point where you have no hope of defending bases, leading to what has been known as milkrunning.  you are assuming that everyone should care about every base, but then you would be telling me how to spend my time playing right?  you can only defend so much, and once the horde starts rolling, the country with few numbers has little hope of fighting back.  frankly this type of gameplay is very boring, or frustrating, for everyone else. (meaning those who are being steamrolled by the horde).  maybe since we play in very different time zones we are seeing different things?

so now strat guys should be happy.  they now have furballers fighting for them, so they don't have to go to some field and ruin a fight for the purpose of trying to get the furballers to fight where they want them.  furballers will be happy because they can put up some sort of defense against the enemy and have more fun doing so.  i would expect, as many strat guys have, to accept the challenge of the new system.  for years we have been hearing about strategy and the importance of coordination, so now is the time to buck up.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2006, 08:42:20 PM by pluck »
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Offline Boomer49

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #907 on: December 04, 2006, 09:05:10 PM »
Originally posted by Laurie
Jesus christ what is it with this think creatively bollox.

you cant think creativley or outside the box when the game restricts you into thebox. we did think creativley, but now you can't. get it in there, THERES NOTHING TO BE CREATED, it's physically impossible, you have two choices, not much room for creativity

Nothing is impossible.....go study WWII in depth, (Afetr all that is what this game...and I repeat game is patterned after, and you will see numerous battles in where the target base was not only hammered, but surrounding support bases were also hammered.

It seems to me that everyone, well almost everyone complains a little more, the more realistic the game gets, in where it makes it not so easy to win by pure numbers alone.

With communication and teamwork....there is plenty to be created.

Also, all this talk of Vulching, Toolshedding, HO and such....This is after all a game that is by Advertisement a "WWII Combat Experience". Review gun camera footage from the Bomber Escorts once the Escort portion of their mission was over. They went after "Targets of Opportunity" which included, Aircraft on the ground, Trains, Convoys, Troop Formations etc, etc.

The only fight that is fought "Fair" is inside 4 ropes and I don't see any ropes in Aces High.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2006, 09:19:51 PM by Boomer49 »

Offline 96Delta

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #908 on: December 04, 2006, 09:18:43 PM »
Originally posted by Overlag
have you played AH lately???? hordes are very VERY active now, since 60-70 players fight for one base. Fairly often we knits get close to 50 in ONE MISSION...

hordes are gone and rare.....LOL :rofl

Sorry Overlag,

I'm afraid you misunderstood me.
I was referring to megasquad populated missions, not ad hoc missions.

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« Reply #909 on: December 04, 2006, 09:36:26 PM »
Originally posted by 96Delta
Sorry Overlag,

I'm afraid you misunderstood me.
I was referring to megasquad populated missions, not ad hoc missions.

what is the problem with "megasquads"
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline Guppy35

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« Reply #910 on: December 04, 2006, 10:20:39 PM »
Originally posted by Overlag
what is the problem with "megasquads"

They don't exist :)
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline BaldEagl

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« Reply #911 on: December 04, 2006, 11:17:38 PM »
Originally posted by Overlag
this........ the first base would have probably been undefended. the 2nd was probably under-defended.... and from then on its a BLAST trying to hold on to what you have taken, or try to take more.... once people WAKE up to the full scale of an attack, they start counter attacking. thats where i had my fun on those maps....

I'm opposed to these changes but personally I've always thought this strategy was a waste of time and resources.  It usually results in an indefensable position that does nothing more than drain resources from where they're most needed; the front(s).  People argue that it re-directs the enemy away from the front but if you can't beat 'em there your not going to do it here either.  Nine out of ten times this strategy results in failure while the front moves forward into your territory.

No slam on anyone, just my opinion on this strategy.
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Offline Flayed1

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #912 on: December 05, 2006, 12:24:58 AM »
Originally posted by 96Delta
Sorry Overlag,

I'm afraid you misunderstood me.
I was referring to megasquad populated missions, not ad hoc missions.

 BOP'S LIVE!!!!!!!  We had squad night in orange tonight and we had quite a bit of fun, at least for how it's currently set :)

 We first porked a thorn i our side Vbase while some of our bombers went to the second base in the chain to kill hangers and the rest of us hit the currently capturable base though this was thwarted some by the 2 CV's just south.. So we went and sunk them then continued with the capture..  We continued on up the chain untill most had to log off for bed and we just didn't have the strength and organisation to continue though we had a good plan just not the man power.

  Over all the system worked well though it will be nice to have more options. :)

  Oh and I think I'm going to get a promotion from PR officer to Ambassidor for the BOP's LOL I think they were voting.  All my squad mates were happy that I could have this level of interaction with you HiTech, Thank you.

 I am soo looking forwasrd to tomorrow.......
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Offline hubsonfire

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #913 on: December 05, 2006, 01:15:44 AM »
That was a clever trick with the jeeps. That's the first time I've seen it made to work. ;)
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Offline Flayed1

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #914 on: December 05, 2006, 08:04:02 AM »
I think the jeep idea was WT666's though don't quote me on that...

 Wile they were taking that base and strarting on the next Vbase 3 of us drove to the town of the next Airbase and had it down and ready with an M3 parked in it so the second the Vbase fell we could snag the air base :D

 Problem is most of the BOP's had logged and Bish arn't exactally organised.:furious   so we couldn't clear the Vbase :)
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