I got the same thing on one of my PC's
MSI BXMaster Intel 440BX
Piii600 coppermine
Asus 3800 Ultra TNT2 32mb
256mb PC-100 ram
NT2k, Win98SE or WinMe
DirectX7a or DirectX8beta
Detonator ver3.90 ~ 6.18 drivers
but it works fine on my other two systems
MSI 6337 Intel 815E Pro
Piii866 coppermine
Creative GeForce 256 Pro
512mb PC-133 ram
Detonator 3 ver6.18 drivers
MSI BXMaster Intel 440BX
Piii650 coppermine
MSI 8806 TNT2 32mb
256mb PC-100 ram
DirectX8beta or older
Detonator 3 ver6.18 drivers
These are basically the same specs other then alittle fast bits.
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