Author Topic: Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High  (Read 6851 times)

Offline cobia38

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #150 on: December 09, 2006, 10:24:34 AM »
Originally posted by Benny Moore
Here's something else interesting.

Now, the same source stated that with maneuver flaps, the P-38 turned as well as the P-63.  But that's not all.  Look at the Northrop P-61.  The Black Widow, without flaps, has a better sustained turn than the P-61, P-47, P-38, and F-4U!  The P-61 is roughly the size and weight of a B-25.  Now there you have it - weight does not equal turning ability.

 any chances on a link to find these charts, it would be intresting to compare more rides.

  Harvesting taters,one  K4 at a time


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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #151 on: December 09, 2006, 11:12:56 AM »
Originally posted by Benny Moore
My complaint is that all of the real evidence says that, given equal terms, the P-38 should out-turn the Me-109 below 250 M.P.H.  But in the simulator, this is not so.  In fact, it takes quite a difference in pilot skill to make the P-38 out-turn a 109.  Do I do it?  All the time!  But can I do it against a pilot of the same skill?  No.  And the graphs - kindly provided by Widewing and others - prove that in the simulator, the Me-109 is absolutely superior in turning.  And that's wrong.

Once, a good friend and I did an experiment.  We both flew P-38 and set up an equal energy merge.  Performing nothing but flat turns on the deck, neither of us could get on the other's tail after five minutes.  Then we hopped in Me-109s; the result was the same.  But when we tried P-38 and Me-109, the Me-109 always won, regardless of who was flying it.

I make no claims of being a superduper pilot.
but I think you would be able to find quite a few people who would agree Im pretty decent  in the 109F.

I have had 38's out turn me in various situations. and I have out turned 38s in various situations.

From m experience it seems to me that yes the 38 can indeed out turn the 109 in this game in an extended flat turns.
Which is why I try to not get into extended flat turns with a 38 with a decent pilot. Once, maybe twice around then its time to do something else or die.

No personal offence intended but I think this has more to due with your frustration of not being able to do what you think the 38 can do as opposed to just what the 38 can do.

In short what Im saying. the 38 CAN do what you claim. You just cant seem to manage to do it. For some reason your just not getting HOW to do it.

Reminds me of a friend of mine who used to play here.
Loved the idea of the pony and what it should be able to do.
Problem is for the longest time and by that I mean YEARS. He found himself being unable to do what the P51 was supposed to do.

His complaints over Vox among us that flew with him were alot like yours here in this thread. "The P51 is supposed to do this or that. But it doesnt here. The plane must be modeled wrong"

His complaining got so bad I used to joke and call him Eeyore

No. the plane wasnt modeled wrong. he. for whatever reason just couldnt figure out whatever it was he needed to to do to make the plane fly the way it was supposed to.

then one day, literally it clicked for him. Whatever it was he was doing wrong. or wasnt doing he finally figured out how to get right. After that it was off to the races for him.

The problem probably is not that the 38 is undermodeled. but rather you just havent figured out that little thing your either doing wrong. or not doing that will allow you to fly it to its full potential.

Alot of people here say "Its the pilot not the plane"

I say its a bit of both
 But as a percentage the pilot is slightly more of a determining factor then the plane

And the right combination of pilot type to plane type is probably more cucial then anythng.
Lets face it. we all have out different strengths and weaknesses and no two people are alike.
Given two pilots of equal skill one pilot may eventually down another because that pilot played his strength to the others weaknesses. The very next flight. it might go the other way for the same reasons.
Now overall one pilots skills may be pretty much the same.
But no matter who you are. Nobody is perfect in all areas. We each have some areas we are better in then others.
Just like the planes

As much as a love for the 38 you have. Maybe the 38 just isnt your plane.
Not cause your a poor pilot. but your total strengths and weaknesses do gell well with the 38s.

Could be that like my friend. For whatever reason your just not getting that certain "thing" that your not doing right to make the plane perform the way you beleive it should.

All too often here. as in real life we tend to shift the blame to someone other then ourselves. Saying it must be the fault of this or that rather then looking at ourselves.

As an extreme exaple I point to my son. when he was about 10 years old he wanted to light the candles on his birthday cake. So I handed him the Bic lighter and said. Have at it.
Where he proceeded to point the lighter upside down at the candle and lit the lighter.

Well flame and heat having this natural tendancy to travel up did exactly that. Burning his finger at which point he thre the lighter down and exclaimed "Stupid peice of junk lighter!"
 It wasnt the lighers fault at all. But the operator.

now Im not saying your a poor pilot. I have no idea how good or bad you are.
You may be damn good at it for all I know.
But your probably missing some small thing that is keeping you from getting the 38 from performing correctly
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Offline Widewing

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #152 on: December 09, 2006, 12:04:25 PM »
Originally posted by cobia38
any chances on a link to find these charts, it would be intresting to compare more rides.

That chart was scanned from a book. It's also flawed.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline Brooke

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #153 on: December 09, 2006, 10:35:02 PM »
Originally posted by cobia38
any chances on a link to find these charts, it would be intresting to compare more rides.

It's from America's Hundred Thousand, by Dean, which is an awesome book, if not for that table, then for the rest of it, which is great.

Offline Benny Moore

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #154 on: December 10, 2006, 09:08:45 PM »
Thank you for your post, Drediock.  But I base my determination that the Me-109 is a much better turning airplane than the P-38 in the simulator upon not merely my own experience but also extensive tests by various community members made at or near the best turning speeds.  As for pilot ability, I am aware that there is much truth in your words; now that I am able once more to fly with my right hand, I once again out-turn Me-109s more often than they out-turn my P-38.

After reading Widewing's opinion on the probable rightness of the current relationship between the two fighters in question, I have decided to hold my peace on the matter.  I would be a fool if I did not recognize the opinion of one with superior knowledge of the subject than myself, and while I still am of the opinion that the P-38 was the superior turner in reality, I defer to Widewing's greater wisdom in this.  I consider his opinions of the real P-38's abilities to be worth more than my own due to his more extensive research and better connections.

Offline Kweassa

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #155 on: December 10, 2006, 11:24:32 PM »

 Pleasant to the last, Moore.

Offline roach

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #156 on: December 11, 2006, 11:13:33 AM »
As a military can opener, I believe the P38 out turns anything.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2006, 11:22:46 AM by roach »

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #157 on: December 11, 2006, 11:17:15 AM »
Whos wrong way rick?

« Last Edit: December 11, 2006, 12:04:55 PM by President »

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #158 on: December 11, 2006, 12:08:05 PM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
I make no claims of being a superduper pilot.
but I think you would be able to find quite a few people who would agree Im pretty decent  in the 109F.

I have had 38's out turn me in various situations. and I have out turned 38s in various situations.

From m experience it seems to me that yes the 38 can indeed out turn the 109 in this game in an extended flat turns.
Which is why I try to not get into extended flat turns with a 38 with a decent pilot. Once, maybe twice around then its time to do something else or die.

No personal offence intended but I think this has more to due with your frustration of not being able to do what you think the 38 can do as opposed to just what the 38 can do.

In short what Im saying. the 38 CAN do what you claim. You just cant seem to manage to do it. For some reason your just not getting HOW to do it.

Reminds me of a friend of mine who used to play here.
Loved the idea of the pony and what it should be able to do.
Problem is for the longest time and by that I mean YEARS. He found himself being unable to do what the P51 was supposed to do.

His complaints over Vox among us that flew with him were alot like yours here in this thread. "The P51 is supposed to do this or that. But it doesnt here. The plane must be modeled wrong"

His complaining got so bad I used to joke and call him Eeyore

No. the plane wasnt modeled wrong. he. for whatever reason just couldnt figure out whatever it was he needed to to do to make the plane fly the way it was supposed to.

then one day, literally it clicked for him. Whatever it was he was doing wrong. or wasnt doing he finally figured out how to get right. After that it was off to the races for him.

The problem probably is not that the 38 is undermodeled. but rather you just havent figured out that little thing your either doing wrong. or not doing that will allow you to fly it to its full potential.

Alot of people here say "Its the pilot not the plane"

I say its a bit of both
 But as a percentage the pilot is slightly more of a determining factor then the plane

And the right combination of pilot type to plane type is probably more cucial then anythng.
Lets face it. we all have out different strengths and weaknesses and no two people are alike.
Given two pilots of equal skill one pilot may eventually down another because that pilot played his strength to the others weaknesses. The very next flight. it might go the other way for the same reasons.
Now overall one pilots skills may be pretty much the same.
But no matter who you are. Nobody is perfect in all areas. We each have some areas we are better in then others.
Just like the planes

As much as a love for the 38 you have. Maybe the 38 just isnt your plane.
Not cause your a poor pilot. but your total strengths and weaknesses do gell well with the 38s.

Could be that like my friend. For whatever reason your just not getting that certain "thing" that your not doing right to make the plane perform the way you beleive it should.

All too often here. as in real life we tend to shift the blame to someone other then ourselves. Saying it must be the fault of this or that rather then looking at ourselves.

As an extreme exaple I point to my son. when he was about 10 years old he wanted to light the candles on his birthday cake. So I handed him the Bic lighter and said. Have at it.
Where he proceeded to point the lighter upside down at the candle and lit the lighter.

Well flame and heat having this natural tendancy to travel up did exactly that. Burning his finger at which point he thre the lighter down and exclaimed "Stupid peice of junk lighter!"
 It wasnt the lighers fault at all. But the operator.

now Im not saying your a poor pilot. I have no idea how good or bad you are.
You may be damn good at it for all I know.
But your probably missing some small thing that is keeping you from getting the 38 from performing correctly

hes right - im a good pilot in a pony but cant make the 38 do squat for me.  your fighter might pick you, cant always pick you fighter.  if the p38 was terrble i doubt u would ever see anyone up it at all. but they are used plenty in the arenas

Offline crockett

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #159 on: December 11, 2006, 02:07:35 PM »
Interesting topic. I'm a noob to this game and been going through the learning curves and crashes.. :D  

But for the most part I've been flying the P-38L or the P-51D.. (mostly the 38) I'm slowly learning the game which has a very steep learning curve specially when in a tougher plane to fly.

I'm ok if I can get behind my target, I can stay on them and get the kill from time to time.. However I tend to have problems getting some of the better planes off my tail when the fight turns slow.

I'm wondering if any of you p-38 experts care to give any training? Specifically in turn fighting or more so defensive flying in the 38?

Offline Soulyss

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #160 on: December 11, 2006, 02:29:24 PM »
Just about anyone on the training staff should be well suited to helping you out, if you want a couple solide names for P-38's I'd look for either Silat or Murdr.
80th FS "Headhunters"
I blame mir.

Offline Guppy35

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #161 on: December 11, 2006, 02:31:59 PM »
Originally posted by crockett
Interesting topic. I'm a noob to this game and been going through the learning curves and crashes.. :D  

But for the most part I've been flying the P-38L or the P-51D.. (mostly the 38) I'm slowly learning the game which has a very steep learning curve specially when in a tougher plane to fly.

I'm ok if I can get behind my target, I can stay on them and get the kill from time to time.. However I tend to have problems getting some of the better planes off my tail when the fight turns slow.

I'm wondering if any of you p-38 experts care to give any training? Specifically in turn fighting or more so defensive flying in the 38?

What Soulyss said.  Barring that, keep an eye out for some of the 38 drivers in the arenas.  80th is a bunch of 38 sticks.  479th has some good ones, 475th has 38 drivers etc.  

Most guys willing to have you tag along and see how it works.  If you want to know how to die in multiple way in the 38, give me a yell.  I'm an expert at that :)
8th FS "Headhunters

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #162 on: December 11, 2006, 04:18:10 PM »
See Rule #4
« Last Edit: December 13, 2006, 01:23:01 PM by Skuzzy »

Offline Ack-Ack

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #163 on: December 11, 2006, 05:01:47 PM »
Originally posted by President
See Rule #4

Silat is one of the better players of the community and is always helpful and a great resource if you want to learn how to fly the P-38.  

What have you done for the community?

« Last Edit: December 13, 2006, 01:23:32 PM by Skuzzy »
"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Why is the P-38 so underestamated in Aces High
« Reply #164 on: December 11, 2006, 05:15:39 PM »
Originally posted by Guppy35
What Soulyss said.  Barring that, keep an eye out for some of the 38 drivers in the arenas.  80th is a bunch of 38 sticks.  479th has some good ones, 475th has 38 drivers etc.  

Most guys willing to have you tag along and see how it works.  If you want to know how to die in multiple way in the 38, give me a yell.  I'm an expert at that :)

The 479th website is also a treasure trove of information.

479th Fighter Group website

I'm also willing to help in giving some tips or advise on the P-38 but due to time constraints with work and girlfriend, TA time is very limited.

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
Elite Top Aces +1 Mexican Official Squadron Song