Author Topic: Lockups/Resets  (Read 517 times)


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« on: August 30, 2000, 07:06:00 AM »
Hello All,

Just finished major upgrade to this......

Athlon T-Bird 750 on an Asus A7v (socket a)
Creative 3D Blaster Ge-Force gts2 32 meg ddr ram  (that's UK name, in USA it's Annihilator)
S/Blaster Live (pci)
New Case (300 watt as AMD advise)
40x Cd
192 pc100 ram
17" Mon
Diamond SupraExpress 56e    ext

Now here's my problem
Every so often at random my screen in AH locks up completely and i cannot alt/tab or do anything, all i can do is hit Reset button to reboot  
Weird thing is my modem and Roger Wilco carry on as normal !! ie modem still sends/recieves as i can tell by lights on it and i can hear my squad mates carrying on with RW

Any Ideas ????

btw    in the game now    the detail and smoothness is unreal  

Any help would be much appreciated

Have Fun


[This message has been edited by Titanium (edited 08-30-2000).]

Offline air_guard

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« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2000, 09:25:00 AM »
Well i had the same prob. but It changed when i went back to my old tnt 2ultra card.
somone told me that the geforce 2card used so much amount of voltage that it frozze my puter from time to time.
So get a 300w power supply or try the old screen card u had to just check if thats the prob . !!



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« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2000, 10:33:00 AM »
Hiya Guard,
           Got a 300watt psu in my new tower case same time as i got all the rest of my new stuff so i can rule out lack of power.
I will try the old card as you suggest though at the weekend when i install new watercooler and use the pencil trick on my T-Bird   (pencil the bridges on L1 bridges to make a join)  lol  would you believe it's that simple !
750 but core is an 800    so i will be clocking her to 950  

Thanks for the reply Guard


Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2000, 12:29:00 PM »
I think it's going to be tough for you to get a stable system with your machine hacked up so heavily.

Maybe the water cooling will fix it.

If not... put it back to stock speed and see if it still pukes.

Lephturn - Chief Trainer
A member of The Flying Pigs

"My P-47 is a pretty good ship, she took a round coming 'cross the Channel last trip.
Just thinking 'bout my baby and lettin' her rip, always got me through so far."
 - Steve Earl

Offline bloom25

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« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2000, 07:35:00 PM »
Here's your problem:

Athlon T Bird 750 requires 51.2 Watts alone off the 3.3 and 5 volt rails.  The GeForce 2 is a power hungry beast as well at 35+ Watts.  Since you are overclocked I'm assuming you have big/many fans, this means you will be drawing a minimum of 5 watts or so for each one.  I have never seen a 300W supply that provides more than 175W on the 3.3 and 5v rails to the motherboard.  Now guess what happens to the amount of power required for a system when it gets warm?  

The solution is to order a 400W supply and keep that system cool!


Offline bloom25

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« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2000, 07:40:00 PM »
Ah, here's some more advice.  Don't use a pencil.  Find an electronics store that sells circuit board correction pens.  (Looks like silver paint in a pen.)  These are perfect for closing those annoying little bridges on the TBirds.  The A7V sure makes it easy to do the rest.  

Now here's a question for you Titanium.  Were you able to get your A7V to post for the very first time with an AGP card in place?  I've heard that you need a PCI video card to get into the bios to enable the AGP slot before you can proceed.  I ask because I'm upgrading my system this week and have been unable to find a cheap PCI card to use.

(You might try running with the case off to see if it helps.  I'd probably also download the newest AGP driver from  )



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« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2000, 08:20:00 PM »
     At the moment my systen is bog standard 750  i am going to clock her this weekend all being well at the same time i will install my watercooler

Yes Bloom  it booted/posted 1st time with my gts2 agp card in    default is auto Bios config on the board, I litterally slapped T-Bird in HSF in and put rest in and all was well  

I have found the problem  
It was AGP and pci sharing IRQ 11
I tried manually setting AGP but what ever i set it to the darn pci slot i wanted to use for my S/Blaster Live kept running on said IRQ, In the end i left AGP on auto and set pci manually

At the moment i have dropped down to 2x80mm case fans the third is a 120mm that will go in place of an 80mm i got facing all the pci slots at the moment
Seeing as i've tried three different fans for this cpu and they all seem to hot for me i made a watercooler, I invisage 1x80mm on front of case (as most cases have 80mm space made in) the 120mm luckily fits snug over my side vents and will blow onto pci etc the 2nd 80mm will just about go on other side under cd-rom by m/board drawing air off mb and sending it out other side of case via side vents there, and lastly maybe 100mm or another 120mm on top drawing heat upwards, btw i turned psu fan around so that it draws out not in (still can't figure why they went from expelling out to drawing in !!) ohh well   lol
also i made a plastic duct that aims air into a circulating motion from front to middle to top, this i hope in the long run will be a decent method for cooling, It does'nt aim all airflow   just enough to cause a nice swirling effect, so far it seems to be holding up very well indeed  
And lastly i am in the middle of an idea for using (don't laugh) nappy (diaper in us i think) liners for a kind of dust filter on the fans, this as you might guess is because with all this suction sooner rather than later the insides gonna get mighty dusty   lol, saw a piece on a BB on very thin foam but i thought something like a nappy liner would be strong and not stop so much airflow as foam ?

well that's what i will be doing  


Have Fun


Offline bloom25

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« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2000, 10:18:00 PM »
I sell fans and the like as a summer job.  That foam filter that goes over the fan actually works pretty well and obstructs very little air.  I do think your idea would work just as well though.

That interupt thing is almost too ironic.  I've got a nearly IDENTICAL setup to you on the way. (Got cpu, memory, and fan today.)  The guy I bought it from said configure the PCI modem to IRQ 10 manually or else it will pick either 9 or 11 even if it is reserved or used.  I didn't even think of that being your problem.  Glad to hear the thing worked perfectly with an AGP card in place for the first boot up.

Next question, what VIA driver version are you using, and are you using all 4 drivers?  I burned 4in1 4.27 to a CD-R along with all the other drivers I need.  Lol, I even copied the win98 directory on the Win 98 CD to the hard drive I will be using.  I even have 1.004a bios ready on a disk.  Hopefully I'll be up and running Tuesday evening.  

BTW: I read that setting SYSTEM PERFORMANCE in Advanced to "Optimal" in the bios increases performance by 5% or so.




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« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2000, 10:35:00 PM »
     Yep i am using the latest VIA drivers from their site and they are the 4 in 1

Btw in the AGP driver setup option you get Normal or Turbo options   i read Turbo may possibly be slightly unstable
Also on Bootup before changing the windows-found VGA install the 4 in 1 drivers then reboot and the components are detected then install gts2 drivers to configure ya card
Further VIA driver updates just get loaded same as any other driver updates
Just that to get the VIA drivers in before you tinker with your gts2 is said to stop any problems
Dunno but i wonder if that may of been the problem you had heard about ?

Ohh well  my babies running absolutely fantastic  
Your gonna love ya Asus and T-Bird and especially ya GTS2    i guarentee it
I use the Nvidia drivers Det3 at the moment, Less hastle than having to have a seperate application to do the tuning as you need with Creative gts2 (it's called Blaster c/panel)
Just assemble pc up (check all switches are set to auto, as you never know someone may of been lazy in quality control !!!  lol) and away she'll go
If you do get stuck post it here, but i'd say all will be fine
