Author Topic: dump to destop  (Read 411 times)

Offline NUTTZ

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dump to destop
« on: August 31, 2000, 10:33:00 PM »
i keep getting dumped to desktop every 5 minutes.

did a trace and not one ping is over 99ms with 11 or so hops.

any idea's?  30 flies and 11 disco's.

Offline Vati66

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dump to destop
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2000, 04:39:00 AM »

   Are you getting a disconnected from host measage, or is the program just closeing droping you back to desktop?  


Offline NUTTZ

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dump to destop
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2000, 12:25:00 PM »
Originally posted by Vati66:

   Are you getting a disconnected from host measage, or is the program just closeing droping you back to desktop?  

Just closing to the desktop...
I've read the boards and tried a few things

PIII 600 (512 cache)133 bus
ASUS mom board
37 gig HD (7200 rpm)
512 (133) RAM
ASUS Gforce color card
17"  monitor ( can handle the refresh rates nicely)
DSL efficient external USB modem
CHpro joy, CH peddals,CHpro throttle.
300 watt power supply.

The ASUS mother board monitors heat,voltage and even opens the window if you fart, no problems.

I did have my AH graphics set to 800X600 32 bit mode and flew this way for ages, now i get randomly dumped to desktop.

I've shutdown ASUS monitoring and all TSR's and still dumping is occuring.

did a tracer and you would kill for my pings.

last night i found updated Ndivia drivers and changed my Ah settings to 16 bit,,with the new drivers i've lost 50 FPS ( dropped from 100's to 50's , and with the 16 bit, it's a bit grainy, but i do stay connected.
My computer is new and home built, this computer flies! I should be able to fly in 32 bit mode with a higher res with NO PROBLEMS, i did before ( 3 months ago ) but can't now. Connection? hardware?

Offline bloom25

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dump to destop
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2000, 07:26:00 PM »
I'll bet it's heat related.  Try pointing a fan at your GeForce card.  GeForce's draw A LOT of power, 30+ watts.  Try taking the case off and running it for a while and see if that helps.  (Remember, the ASUS board does not measure the video card processor temp.)


[This message has been edited by bloom25 (edited 09-01-2000).]

Offline Westy

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dump to destop
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2000, 09:38:00 AM »
 My neighbor friend just found out he had a bad cable modem. Was the root of some serious connection issues and he was always blaming Janes Combatnet.
 Not saying it's the same here but never rule anything out.
